Title: The Lost Letters of Legolas 17/30
Under title: Dear Eomer,
Chapter/part: 17/30, each one will be a letter done for
Here Rating: PG-13
Fandom: LOTR
Character: Legolas and to who ever he written to, ofc, omc
Prompt: # 17 Music, 30 a general
Here and at
sagaluthien journal Author's Notes: Set after film/books
It's also for
52_challenge prompt #7 Music Table
here Previous Chapters/Letters:
Letter 1,
Letter 2,
Letter 3,
Letter 4,
Letter 5,
Letter 6,
Letter 7,
Letter 8,
Letter 9,
Letter 10,
Letter 11,
Letter 12,
Letter 13,
Letter 14,
Letter 15,
Letter 16 Dear Eomer,
This will be a short one as I'm writing to thank you for the great hospitality you showed us. Limwen said to make sure that I also thank you for the magnificent horse you gave to Almárean. It is a great horse and we will take good care of it as you probably already knew.
Myself, I liked spending time with you. Since we had no drinking game it was nice to be able to sit and listen to the musicians that you had playing during the evening. You have a great treasure in them. If they ever would want to travel they are very welcome to come here. I believe the other would like them as well.
I hope to see you and your family, as we talked about. I will yet again thank you for the generosity you showed us.
The best wishes your elfin friend,
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