1 Sentence fic multifandom

Dec 30, 2013 18:05

1 Sentence fic

Here comes more 1 sentence fic's I filled at comment_fic so there is several fandoms/characters. You can see which fandoms of the tags and then you might need to scroll.
I've got them betad by a friend

Fandom, character (paring) prompt
wisher (eventually link to original post)

His everything
Real People, Jeff/Chris, watching him sleep
Wisher: violet_eyes

He certainly could not get enough of watching Christian; it didn't matter if he was awake or sleeping; he would never tire as the man was so…. handsome, gorgeous, attractive, and sexy.

Real People, Chris/Steve, first kiss
Wisher: violet_eyes

They were inexperienced so they tested, almost fleeting what might be the right way; both so young and not sure what would work; though they found soon what was the best and it turned out to be a quite good first kiss.

Bigger need
Supernatural, Sam +/Dean, Deal with it tomorrow
Wisher: truthwritaslies

Sam came and broke Dean off with the cleaning of their soiled garment, saying that it wouldn't hurt if they made it tomorrow, because his need of Dean taking care of him now was so much bigger and he didn't want to wait - not one more minute, or Dean should know he was the one spending the coming week on the couch or floor.

Human task
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Camping
Wisher: crimson_antics

With laughter Sam tried to just give a small hints how Gabriel would put the tent together and get it up; Sam had forbidden him to use any power to see how the angel would managed a human task and how fun it could be in the wood, alone with a partner and just relax for a while; if they didn't decide to have a marathon of adult play in the tent, which Sam absolutely had in his mind they should do when he suggested their little trip.

Author's choice, Author's choice, take a breath - make it deep (cause it might be the last one you get)
Wisher: tigriswolf

(Taken to my original world in the village Donbury)
Jared stood still as a statue, Orlando's panic attack had come just out of nowhere; it scared her as she didn't know what had caused it, why it come; but when he didn't seem to calm down Jared started trying to talk to him with the first words that came to her mind; take a breath - make it deep, then she silenced as the next words were something she never wanted to believe and kept to herself, though what she said seemed to have worked as Orlando calmed down to a level that suit him.

Criminal Minds, Reid/Morgan, rings
Wisher: crimson_antics

There was so much that could be included and said of the gift Morgan had given Reid, but Morgan was good to silence any exposition that Reid had on his tongue; he silenced him with a kiss and treaded the ring on his finger.

Author's choice, author's choice, you'll realize why it's important later
Wisher: tigriswolf

(Set in the original world of Donbury, that I created for a original fic)
Jeff nodded, but Selina continued to repeat what she was saying, as if she didn't know Jeff actually understood the importance of him learning to tie the straps; she had the patience with him as he yet had to learn to manage his coordination of hands that seemed always have a life of it's own, like the constant nodding he was doing; why she was persistent with her teaching of her little brother and just waited to a verbal confirming that he would have a hang of it as make the fast tie of the straps.

Any, Any, meet me halfway
Wisher: truthwritaslies

(Set in my original world of Donbury)
In her head Jared shouted that she wanted him to meet her half way, but after spending time with Orlando she knew being angry, pushing the guy would not help; he had to do things in his own time and way, so she would wait and was sure they would get where she wanted in time.

type:1 scentence, challenge:1 sentence, community:comment fic, fandom:supernatural, fandom:original, fandom:real people, fandom:criminal minds, verse!donbury

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