A Worried Big Brother
Title: A Worried Big Brother
Fandom: SPN
Characters: Dean & Sam, John
Prompt: Sympathy for the Summer bingo at
chubwinchestersWord Count: 1079
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Au, chubby, fat!sam, wee!chesters
Author's Notes: This story is a sequel to
A Fat Little brother (spn/j2 index, watch it to posted story) and a few years have passed.
Summary: A new place means new people and new worries. Dean loves his big little brother and wants to save him from everything.
They had to move again. Dean didn't care, he had become so used to it, but if he'd asked Sammy, he would have learned exactly how many times, how long in between the moves and probably how far.
There were two things Sam was good at, one was studying and being bright, and the other was that he loved food and ate all the time.
John wasn't happy that his youngest son was way too happy eating food, and seemed to hate it when he wanted him to exercise, or learn hunting skills. Every time John moved them, he hoped that Sam would change and think about what he was doing, but that had yet to happen. Instead of losing any pounds, John noticed that Sam managed to increase his weight at every new place.
John had ordered Dean to look after his little brother and make sure he didn't over eat, but in empathy of their lifestyle, Dean was very good at looking between his fingers at Sam's eating.
One of John's weak spots was that he could not push Sam hard enough. He loved the kid and if Sam would have asked, John would have fulfilled Sam's every wish. John also knew that with him being out on all kinds of hunts and work, he was too soft with his boys to really know what took place.
John suspected that Sam had turned to food from the lack of him being there and never knowing his mother. He did the best he could, so it wasn't with happiness that he told his boys that he had to go away on a hunt again. They had just recently moved and at first he had promised that he would be there for awhile. This hunt was just too important to say no to though, and if he succeeded, it would mean that he would be able to be home more with the boys.
Dean had wanted to go with him, but relented as he knew he had to stay with his brother and make sure they got settled in school. Sam hadn't questioned much, and never asked how long it might take. All Sam had done was say in a soft whisper that he could handle himself and Dean didn't need to stay.
John was determined that Sam was still too young to be alone, especially when he didn't know for how long he would be gone. His hope was that after this hunt he could actually stay with the boys for sometime, and build a better relationship with them.
He left with several warnings and explanations, hoping all would be followed, though guessing that a few wouldn't be. One was of course to not eat all the food at once, or spend too much of the money.
It was not long after John had left that Sammy came to Dean saying he was hungry. If Dean said to Sammy that, he had to wait, he had some time before Sammy would start complaining, it wasn't as big of a problem now, as it been before.
When Sammy was younger, he had a tantrum if he had to wait for anything to eat.
Now Dean went to see what John had stocked up on in the cabinets and fridge. Dean's cooking skills had yet to master more than a few dishes, but he found some prepared ones in the freezer.
He could have taken one of these out, but after looking in the cupboards and finding boxes with macaroni and cheese, he took two of them instead, to cook.
When they were finished cooking, he put some extra cheese in Sam's, the kid loved cheese, and Dean called Sam to come and eat.
Sam quickly came to the kitchen and they sat down to eat together. As usual, the food didn't last long on Sammy's plate, but Dean started pushing the food around on his plate. His thoughts were on how it would go at school.
When the food had turned cold, Sam asked if he could eat Dean's too.
Looking up as if he had forgotten they were in the kitchen, Dean gave it to him. In minutes, the food was eaten.
"Aren't you nervous about school tomorrow?" Dean asked Sam.
"Why would I be?" Sam responded.
"We have no idea how it will be, what the teacher is like and what the people will say, and I'm thinking of how it has been in the other schools."
"I don't think they will be any different. As long as I'm doing well there that won’t be a problem. Have I ever been bothered by what others are saying?"
"Not directly, but there have been a lot of times you’d been crying... and..." Dean stopped; he was so happy that Sam had yet to get interested by girls. It was just that when it finally happened, he dreaded what Sam would say about his looks.
His brother wasn't bad looking, just not enough like what most girls seemed to like. The few he had been out with had made a lot of rude comments about his little brother, and they were not flattering. He would never wish that on his brother, but the chance to find a girl that loved a very fat guy seemed to be slim. Dean knew that the girls would only see Sam's size and not see how nice and bright he is.
"… you know you are not that little and people… are narrowed minded." Dean finally finished.
"Okay I might be little nervous, though there isn't anything I can do about it over a night," Sam said.
Sam was right about that. It would take too many nights and days if he ever wanted to try to lose weight, but Dean had to hope that it would come soon.
No matter what though, Dean liked Sam as he was. He was Dean's bear.
"How about we fix some sugar popcorn and try to find something to watch on TV?" Dean asked, as he didn't want Sam start to thinking of what he was concerned about.
Sam's eyes lit up at that suggestion.
It was good that their new school wasn't far away from where they were staying, for if it had been a few more hundred meters, Dean thought that Sam would not have managed to walk there. He was breathing quite hard as it was.
With Sam always being bigger than the average boy his age, Dean wasn't surprised that the woman that was helping them assumed that they should go into the same class. Sam had done so well, even their moving around couldn't affect that he had been put in two classes below Dean instead of the four he should have been.
At the class room door Sam hesitated, and Dean could feel for him. 'The boys and girls could turn out to be…' Dean didn't want to think about it. He rather hoped they would be nice and treat Sam well.
Dean let his hand rest on Sam's back to give him support, and let him know that he had his back. All the class room kids looked at them as they entered, and they were silent.
Dean could see that Sam would be the largest of them, but there where a few guys that were also quite large and probably played football.
Maybe he was worried more than he should be.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~