Title: Forbidden Moves 3
Fandom: SPN,
Pairing: Dean/Sam,
Rating and Warning: NC-17, winchest
Written for
merihn at the
comment_fic on the theme Firsts and the prompt first kiss.
Link. Beta: Soar
Author's Note: Are following these two comment fic;
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/11046.html?thread=1381926#t1381926 and
HerePrevious Chapter:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2 Summary: Unexpected feelings come creeping to Sam, that was not knowing they where there.
It was different and it had gone from innocence to a craving, but that very first kiss hadn't made it easier. Not for Sam's conscience. He hadn't been able to resist. Dean had such inviting lips and they had just called to him 'come taste me!'. When Dean had pouted, and Sam had felt so weak that he had acted without thinking.
Sam had grabbed Dean, held him behind his neck and kissed him. He could feel Dean's surprise by how stiff he had become, but it passed quickly and his brother opened his mouth, letting Sam's tongue in, deepening the kiss.
Kissing his brother was different from kissing other people. Sam had no idea if it felt better just because kissing the way they did wasn't allowed. You should not do that with your relatives. He didn't think it would be viewed with more tolerance because they were siblings than if it had been their father. Sam knew that he had fallen and wanted more of Dean. He tried to persuade himself that he could not help who he fell in love with. He must be in love because it felt so good.
Somehow that first kiss would always be something special. One day, he might tell Dean that.
END, for now