I Need You

Apr 15, 2012 21:03

I Need You

Title: I Need You
Author: Saga Chriztine
Fandom, pairing: RPS, David Boreanaz/Christian Kane
Rating, warning: PG-13
A/N: This comes from comment_fic and badfalcon wished for 'I need you', on the theme Free for all. Link
Beta: Soar
Word count: 125
Disclaimer: Do not own the characters or people. I've not done this for money.

Summary: A need to be satisfied

David stiffened as a pair of arms wrapped around him, though as he looked down on the hands, and heard the person speak into his ear with the words 'I need you', he relaxed.

He knew who it was. The arms and voice belonged to Christian, David's boyfriend. His lover and he loved him.

David hadn't expected him, not yet, anyway. His heartbeat increased in anticipation. It always did when Christian was around.

David leaned into Christian, who tightened his arms around him and placed a kiss behind David's ear. Christian repeated, "I need you."

Looking around, David decided that all he wanted was Christian. What he had been doing could wait. Nothing other than Christian was as important. He said, "I need you, too."

~*~*~ The End ~*~*~

character:david boreanaz, rating:pg-13, character:christian kane, type:drabble+, community:comment fic, paring:david/chris, fandom:real people, kink:slash

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