Title: Contented
Author: Sagaluthien Saga Chriztine
Fandom, Characters: Rps, Jensen & Jared
Rating, warning: PG-13
Beta: Jane Doe
Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for a little, with no intention to intimate or degrade. There has not been any profit to this.
Author's Note: First, is this written for
chubwinchesters and their Drabble-a-thon.
Found here.Wished prompt: A snapshot of feeder!Jared and chubby!Jensen.
It would be nice if Jensen doesn't know Jared is fattening him up but he in't fighting it either because he's happy bigger.
Summary: Conclusion over the weekends Jensen and Jared spend together.
It had become a regular thing that Jared turned up on Fridays with some take out, more often with pizza, fried chicken, hamburgers with stripes and even all kind of desserts. Jensen thought it was nice of him and they had a great time eating, talking and just being together.
Jensen had noticed after a few months that he started to change and the pounds started to add to his frame. He had not given it a bigger thought how it came and he actually didn't care. He felt quite good actually and if anyone would have asked he would say he was happy. After a few more weeks and he could not deny he had gotten a flappy stomach he guessed one reason had to be the nice weekends Jared and he had. He should probably change that, but he came to the conclusion he truly liked himself.
The next Friday Jensen looked forward to what Jared would bring.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~