Title: Dean's Baeuty
Author: Sagaluthien Saga Chriztine
Fandom, Characters: SPN, Dean
Rating, warning: PG-13
Beta: A friend
Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for a little, with no intention to intimate or degrade. There has not been any profit to this.
Author's Note: First, is this written for
chubwinchesters and their Drabble-a-thon.
Found here.Set sometime in the fat!Dean!verse.
Wished prompt: Dean gets so fat he can't fit in the Impala.
Here is links to all of the stories in the verse. Summary: There is one thing Dean miss to be able to do.
Dean stood stroking the hood of his beauty. It would be only for her that he could think of losing weight. His new look didn't bother him. He loved to indulge in food and sex. Dean was happy Sam and he could do it, and he would not linger on what that finally made to him.
Only one thing seemed to have gone too far. It was all too long since he was able to drive his third love, which would have been number one, or even ride in it. He had thought it would be fine when he had to turn the driving over to Sam, that he wouldn't gain more and that he would at least fit in the passenger seat.
That was no longer possible. He knew very well when he totally lost it, and he seemed to never felt full. He could not stand against the hunger demon, which made him look there after.
Dean pushed his belly on the hood to reach his beauty little more. He leaned in closer until he could clearly hear his stomach rumble.
He walked slowly back to the porch, took hold of the railing, and was able to get the three steps up. He sat down on the bench, breathing heavy and started eating donuts, meanwhile he would continue to watch his beauty.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~
Beauty To Sam Sam's pov