Title: Three Odd Friends
Chapter/part: 1/1
Author: Saga “sagaluthien” Chriztine Pettersson
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gandalf, Gimli, Pippin
Disclaimer & Author's Note: This story is a fiction. I just have borrow the characters of Tolkien. The story is written for a Christmas Challenge 2004, at Gaslight Hotel - Moonlight Fitction, which would be build on a Fairy tale. You can always guess which one.
Feedback: Who wouldn’t want any?
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Archive:If I haven’t posted it anywhere myself please ask first
Website: Moonlight Fiction
Summary: Three friends is on the way to visit a fourth.
Once upon a time there was three odd friends. Every year they meet in the white city - Minas Tirith. Together they went to Ithilien and visit their elven friend.
On their way they had to pass a very narrow passage. In this passage was a cave. In this cave lived a great ugly Orc, with eyes like icicle, ears like jug-handles and a nose like a big, disgusting snout.
The passage was so small that they had to go one by one.
First of all the smallest of them had to walk. The echo between the walls was heard clickidy-click, clickidy-click-clik-click.
From the cave come a grunt; "Who is clickidy in my passage?"
"It only me. I mean I, a little hobbit from Shire," he whispered back, in such tiny little voice, "and I'm going through to visit my friend in Ithilien."
"Hold on a moment," bawled the Orc, "I'm coming to gobble you up."
"No, dear Orc, don't waste your appetite on me. I'm too little to deserve it, honest I am. Wait till my friend comes a long; he's a much better mouthful than I."
"Oh well," said the Orc, "be off with you."
In no time at all was it the friend turn to go through he passage.
"Clapidy-clap," sounded in the passage; "clapidy-clap-clap-clap."
"Hey, you," growled the Orc.
"Who's that clapidy in my passage?"
"It's only me, I mean I, a dwarf from The Lonely Mountain.", he said back, with not so low voice either, "and I'm going through to visit a friend in Ithilien."
"Stay right there," bawled the Orc. "I'm coming to gobble you up."
"A fine big appetite like yours, don't waste it on me, dear Orc. I don't deserve it, honest I don't. Wait to my friend comes along, he's a much better mouthful than I."
"Oh well," said the Orc, be off with you!"
Almost to the moment came the last traveller to go through the passage.
"Clumpidy-clump," sounded in the passage; "Clumpidy-clump-clump-clump!"
"Hey, you," brawled the Orc.
"Who's that clumping in my passage?"
"It's me, I mean I, a humble Ishtar, and I'm going through to visit a friend in Ithilien."
"By the sound of your voice you're a fine big fellow," bawled the Orc.
"Stand tight, for I'm coming to gobble you up."
"Come along, Orc! I've got my stick with a light
To blind your ugly eyes and then I will strike you
before you know it with my mighty words;
And believe me they are not of this world.
When the light struck is the words fast as the wind
and you no more will be.
The word will send you like the ashes in the wind."
That was what the Ishtar pronounced, and that was what he did, for as when the Orc struck is ugly head out from the cave, he strike his stick in the ground so it send out a blending light, at same time he started chanted an old spell so the Orc started to burn. When he become a pile of ashes the Ishtar summon down the wind to bear it out for spreading everywhere. SO that evil Orc no more where. And when that was done to everyone's satisfaction they continue their path to Ithilien and intercourse with their elven friend.
And if there hasn't change their trip will still be made every year. So:-
Snip, snap, snout,
Our tale's told out.
Copyright © 2004 Saga A Chriztine Pettersson.
The Fairy tale is Three Billy-Goats Gruff, which is a Scandinavian Fairy tale.
This is also posted at
The Moonlight Fiction, when it was first written for their Christmas Challange, and also at
Adult fan fiction