More Than Schools
Title: More Than Schools
Author: Saga Chriztine
Fandom, pairing: Criminal Minds/Numbers, Spencer Reid/Charlie Epps
Rating, warning: PG, -
A/N: This comes from
comment_fic and
amara_m wished for academic achievement, on the theme Free For all.
Beta: Soar
Word count: 122
Disclaimer: Do not own the characters or people. I have not done this for money.
Summary: Spencer and Charlie discover that they have a lot in common.
"Do you ever stop?" Charlie interrupted, as Spencer seemed to have gained his second wind with his explanation.
"I'm sorry. Most of my friends know to stop me if I get too into what I'm talking about," Spencer apologised.
It didn't take long before Spencer was at it again though, as they changed the subject to their academic achievements.
Just to get him to shut up this time, Charlie got his grip around Spencer's neck and kissed him. It worked. After a moment, Spencer seemed to turn to other thoughts and answered him with a heated kiss.
Both looked around and without words, they left to continue elsewhere. They felt they might have something more together just how bright they both are.
***The End***