The lesson for today...

Apr 22, 2009 21:51

Don't buy Diet Pepsi while wearing sunglasses.

I made a quick beverage stop at one of those mega gas station/convenience stores. Walked in, grabbed a Diet Pepsi in the silver wrapper, paid and got back in the truck. Opened the Diet Pepsi and took a swig.

Hmmm...tastes funny. Could be bad. Another swig. It's okay but just not quite the right flavor. Look at the label.

In very small letters it says "LIME".
WTF? Why didn't they make it at least as large as the word "diet". On the drive to work I mentally compose my letter of complaint to Pepsico.

Upon arriving at work I park, remove my sunglasses and slip them in the visor as usual, look down at the bottle in the cupholder and...

OH. The "silver" label is, in fact, metallic GREEN.

Okay. Lesson learned.
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