As promised, I bring you a list of links of places where you can order the VK artbook. ^^/❤
Once I can I'll either make a new post or edit this one to add previews of some of the inside of the book. :D ❤
(Once I'm done with my current time swallowing work deadline... ^^;;;; Might take some days.)If you want to see already some of the images
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As for that, one of the places (YesAsia) has free shipping over $39, so if you and a friend team together to order 2 of the artbook together, or if you order the artbook + something small, you can totally have it for much cheaper than if you buy at a place that might have shipping on the expensive side. ^^/
It's amazing how cheap they priced it at, it's unbelievable for an artbook price. (Hino-sensei had even commented in a thing about the artbook that she was willing to pay $50 and $100 for the artbooks of artists she likes. But for her own artbook they ended up pricing it at a bargain price extremely low.)
Plus the eye-candy is certainly a very pleasant way to support the series while also getting to own all those color illustrations that are in B&W in the manga. ;)
If you're still growing up and depend on your parents, there's always the option to ask for it for a birthday or Christmas or something, otherwise, if you don't have enough pocket money but still want to buy the book, be it for your own enjoyment or to support the series. :D
Yeah, who wouldn't want that!, but again..i can't afford it, not now U_U
also..i doubt they will ever sell the artbook here, they don't even sell the manga! D:
i'm by myself when it comes to things like that~~
Still I understand all the ppl out there who doesn't have enough resources to buy manga an other stuff like that, yet that doesn't stop one from loving the art and want to check it out :')
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