Vampire Knight Drama CD - Pureblood CD pack.

Jun 10, 2010 08:34

Here's the long awaited Pureblood CD pack. :D (The latest mail-order only/limited VK Drama CD pack that was released. ^^/)

I've been meaning to make a post with this CD ever since it came out (about two months ago or so), but I've been buried in work deadlines for a while, and then every time I had a free moment something would happen and I ended up not having time to do it.

Also, I don't know why the lighting at my desk seems so
yellow in the pic. It's nowhere as bad in reality. ^^;;

IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm only ripping and posting this CD because it was a limited item that is no longer possible to order for purchase (other than by buying it from other fans that bought it when the sales were open.)
It's a commercial product, but no longer available as something you can buy to support the series, hence why I'm making it available here. ^^/

But please, always support the series by buying the official release books etc. ^^//
We must all keep VK alive by supporting the series + Hino-sensei and the companies releasing official stuff, and which make it possible for us to have VK stuff. :D<33

The CD is now a collectible no longer available for normal sale from the company itself, so its purchases are more for collecting than for support. But buying the books etc., whether the Japanese ones or your local official releases, is the way to go to help keep VK alive. :D

Since it is a limited item that was available only as a mail-in prorder shipping locally only in Japan, it's like the Midnight and Moolight VK CD packs, a pretty rare item, and not like the free ones that come with LaLa and that you just have to buy the magazine to get.
And unlike the previous two, this one comes with the adorable earphone-holder little Kaname! X3

Chibi-Kaname sitting on my hand!! X3 *melts with delight*

By now, they should be available from people selling them used etc. in auctions though, so if you want to get one, it should be possible to find it, either from time to time on Ebay or on Yahoo!Japan auctions with a deputy shopper.

It sounds like this one might be more rare than the previous two though, because I haven't seen a single place that has it ripped yet.

In fact, several people have been posting/mailing/PMing asking me to post it for the past two months, I'm so sorry it took so long. ^^;;

Hopefully you'll enjoy it now that it's finally here~! :D ♥

Tiny warning: Spoilers for recent chapters, don't go in if you're not up to date with the Japanese releases I post.

As the title "Pureblood CD pack", the cover and most things about this CD pack very obviously indicate, it has a lot of Kuran stuff.

If you absolutely hate Kaname or any of the Kurans, please DO NOT BASH. And if you love the Kurans and feel you must hate Zero in return (O_o?), it's the same thing: please DO NOT BASH.

Sometimes, the fans of one or the other of the guys feel that to be "true fans", they must hate the "rival character" of whoever is their favorite, and bash the one they dislike to smithereens. Well, that's NOT being a true fan. ^^;
Being a true fan is about loving the series, not about bashing anything at all. Bashing is never positive regardless of which pairing you like.

It's your choice and freedom to dislike something, but it is NOT your right to ruin the fun of the other fans by bashing. ^^;;;
Life in society is about respecting the feelings of each other.
Keep in mind that there are things you hate that others love, and things others hate that you love.
(And there's people who love all three of the main characters, and who have their fandom fun ruined by the bashing from BOTH sides... T_T ...So PLEASE don't ruin the fun we can have with the series... ;__;)

The fandom has been really heated as it grew larger and larger. ^^;

Please try and focus on the positive things. If you hate everything in VK, why would you be reading it? ^^;;;
And if you like some things and hate others, then you can still have SO MUCH more fun by focusing on what you love instead of what you hate. ^^/
If you feel full of hatred towards the CD pack, then you can always talk instead about something you enjoy in the series. ^^;;

In any case, please don't bash. Bashing ruins the fun for the other fans. ^^;; Let's all focus on the "if don't have something nice to say, then please don't say it".

I love the trio, together, in yaoi with Zero x Kaname, in a threesome with them + Yuuki, or even simply as two pairings, each of the guys with Yuuki. I enjoy VK and love the peacefulness of fandom. So please, don't ruin it with hatred. D: Fandom is about love, not hatred.

Onwards to the CD and stuff~! :D ♥

It has 5 tracks like I had mentioned in a past entry, and they're mostly pretty fun. :D
The thumbnails for the tracks back when LaLa announced the CD (and now in the booklet) had used manga images and it had everybody wondering if the tracks would be retellings of moments in the manga (Yagari teaching the Night Class, Zero and Kaname fighting in chapter 46, and so on), but it turned out that the use of those images was just to fill up the little blurb thingies in the advert with something that gives an idea of the contents, but it wasn't merely a retelling of those scenes.
It's actually totally new stuff, which is great since that's always more fun than seeing something that you already saw in the manga, like in some of the early drama CDs.

It's passed in part in the past and in part during the current time, like the previous drama CD, except that the previous one was AU with them at school still, while in this one the tracks passed in the present are set in the current reality and not AU. :D

First, some closer up images of the cover. :D It's the cover that's been announced a long time ago, and was partially used as chapter cover for a past chapter of the manga, so if you read my posts regularly you already saw it, but now you can see it aas the CD pack cover also. ^^/

I LOVE the texture they have on the outside of the pack. *___* They're diagonal lines etched into the plastic, and it makes an effect which I like a lot and which I replicated with a white tone in the two photos earlier in this post. X3

The outside of the pack itself, front:

...and back (and the camera flash cancels the odd lighting impression):

See what I mean about the textured outer cover thingie?

Also, it's not disgustingly dirty and covered in lint. XD;;; It just looks that way.
It's made of some magic material no-doubt selected for its amazing properties at attracting every single cat hair and dust in existence around it. And then shining in reflection looking dirtier even. XD;;;

The outer cover is semi-transparent, and depending on how you move the stuff inside, you can see a lovely window effect with the Kuran crest symbol being more transparent:

The CD pack is set so that before you open it, it's displaying the inner Kaname and Yuuki cover through the Kuran crest "window" thingie, so you get to see the lower portion of their faces as if they were about to kiss.
...Then you open and see it's not a new image. XD; *weeps* (It's still lovely, but the little window effect makes it seem like a different one.)

I was in such a rush to open it that this all only fully occured to me partways through and afterwards though. XD;;;
And by the time I got to make this post, I forgot to take a pic of the version with their faces peeking, so have a little Kaname peeking at you instead. XD;

Normal version & version with peeking little-Kaname:


Once you open it, inside there's the thingie with little Kaname (the earphone holder ♥ X3), and the CD itself, of which you can see the front and back covers here:

The front cover + the rest of the set:

And the back cover. (Sorry for the blurry pic! D:)

It's artwork you've already seen as a past chapter cover in the manga, as well
as reprinted artwork in the front inner flap of the Japanese volume 10, btw. ^^/

Also, please ignore the mess on the side of my desk. XD;;;
This is the area to the right of my computer, where I pile up stuff, among sketchbooks etc.
The pic was taken with the set sitting atop my favorite sketchbook, and the plastic bag you can sort of see beneath/to the side, and that looks full of paper-snakes, is actually origami paper. XD;;

I love making origami tiny stars in various colors and textures, and so I have a bag full of paper nearby to do that when I'm taking a quick break or waiting when my PC is lagging while I'm loading heavy stuff or saving a really heavy image for work or something. XD;;
The little stars are tiny and very quick to fold, so it's a way to keep the fingers occupied and not fall asleep when you're tired. 8D;

*rambles* XD;;

Here's a better image of the little earphone-holder chibi-Kaname. X3333 *fascinated, is so happy with him, can't bring herself to use just for headphones, holds him in her hand and pets him instead. X3

*wishes there was a Zero too so we could put them together* 8D In implied yaoi-ish cutesy scenes. *is shot* XD;;;

Sitting on my hand again:

And by himself, scanned. XD;

He's also made of some sort of soft magical material that any lint anywhere in sight immediatly gets attracted to and sticks onto him. XD;;;;;;
If you are wearing a fluffy sweater or shirt, hugging him is BAD. D: (Well, not baaad, just... I hope you don't mind removing all the fluff attached to him afterwards. XD;; *lol*)

Inside the CD itself, looks like this:

Which is also an image you've seen before, it was the trio in cosplay image that
a fan won a contest to ask for, and Hino-sensei drew the image the fan imagined. :D
(The one on the right was a cover for LaLa, unrelated to the contest.)

And the scans of the inner-booklet. All are images we've seen before already, but it's still nice. :D

(Don't worry about saving them btw, I put it all in a pack you can download. ^^/
But I thought I'd also put them in the post for people who might be curious but don't want to download it.)

The "message for you" thingies are not from the characters, but from the voice-actors, for the most part saying they were happy to have the occasion to return to voice those characters again, and so on, the usual stuff.
Sorry, lack of time made that I'm pretty much just posting those. ^^; Since it wasn't directly character related, I didn't translate it, but if you have a particular question about anything, you can ask. ^^/

Juri's voice actress said that all their previous scenes voiced were so sad, so she was so delighted to record stuff "with the Kurans all so happy and full of ♥♥♥". I found her line so cute and funny. X3
(That must have been really a big difference indeed, considering the scenes she's had to voice for the anime were just the sad flashbacks with Rido coming after them. ^^; SHe hadn't gotten to see the happy & bubbly sides of the family before. XD)

Back and front covers of the inner booklet. :D

Zero's hotness wearing nothing but torn bits of fabric is always so delightful. 8D~~~♥♥♥ SO WONDERFULLY HOT~~~~~!<3333333333
And Kaname with his eyes closed is also so melt-worthy in the total uke-look that always gives him. X3
He needs to follow Zero's example and wear more torn bits of fabric instead of clothing. 8D~~~ *is shot*

The left image is from a LaLa cover from a while ago, around the time of Rido's death or shortly after. I've always found that one so interesting, because Kaname had called the hold Rido had over him "chains" binding him, and had thanked Zero for freeing him of it. And later Yuuki told him that she also participated in killing Rido (well, killing him as much as he could be killed at least, since we don't quite know exactly what is going on with him since there were bits of him left...)
So the metaphor in the pic is so pretty, with Yuuki actively taking part in cutting down those chains. (And it makes for a much less bloody cover than if it was one of her actually stabbing the scythe into Rido as she did in the manga. XD; *lol*)

Of course, me being the huge yaoi fan I am, I can't help but SO IMMENSELY WISH there had been also a cover with Zero being the one shattering the chains and freeing Kaname. 8D~~ ♥ (Which he technically did and all, so, well~~~~ *automatically nosebleeds in yaoi mind images of Rido x Kaname followed by Zero rescuing Kaname and slaying Rido in defense of his lover* X333333 ♥ XD;;;)

Yes, my mind is a swamp of yaoi. XD;;; All and any subject of conversation can and will easily degenerate into me rambling about Zero x Kaname yaoi. XD;;;;;;;;; *lol*
If you've followed the posts here for a bit, you already know. XD XD *lol*

*totally drooling* 8DDDDDDDDDD

Btw, those are all the official spellings for their names in Western letters, from Hino-sensei. ^^/
*will never get used to "Clan" or "Idou", much prefers "Kuran" and "Aidou". XD;

Some are a bit odd, like Ichijou being spelled with a long sound despite the fact Kiryuu and Yuuki don't get it, even though spelling-wise they should since they also have the extra "u". (Gramatically, it's not proper for it to have some names stick to the rule and others not, but well, Hino-sensei is the author and can say the spelling of the names is however she wants, works either way. XD *lol*)

When writing their names in Western letters, I just spell according to the official spelling the ones that don't weird me out (like Luca, Cain and so on), and stick to the wrong spelling for the ones that seem so different otherwise (like "Kuran/Clan", "Aidou/Idou" and so on)... but then, considering that even a lot of the non-Japanese official releases are spelling the names totally wrong also, it's not really a problem to mix and match. XD;;
I guess it's fine to spell either way as long as no one is trying to force others to spell one way or the other. XD

Track-list + featured characters:
In the booklet, it lists them separately as main tracks and bonus tracks.

Main tracks:

"Were those the good old times? - Class scenes from days now gone."
(Flashback during Cross Academy, Zero & Yuuki + Yagari and the Night Class.)

"Anti-Sentimental Memories."
(Flashback during the childhood of Yuuki & Kaname with Juri and Haruka.)

Bonus tracks:

"A certain day with the boys."
(Current times. Part of the Night class + Zero)

"A certain day with the girls.")
(Current times. Luca, Rima, Yuuki.)

"Vampire † Quest"
(Current times. Main trio.)

For the download itself, please scroll farther down. ^^/

And here are also track summaries + a bit of fangirling. :D
(Due to lack of time, it's not moment by moment, but at least the main key points of each track are in it, for the most part. They're pretty long tracks for Drama CDs, so it's a lot of little different things to fangirl at, but I listed most of the main moments as far as I can remember.

The more detailed summaries ended up being the ones for the track with the little kids because it was so cute, and the track with Zero and the guys because it had sexy Zero. ♥
And of course, there was inevitably much fangirling and drooling over the track with the main trio. X3)

"Were those the good old times? - Class scenes from days now gone."

(Passed back at the school while Yuuki was sealed as human.

Zero and Yuuki, as prefects are forced to reluctantly watch a tape which the chairman has secretly recorded, of Yagari's class with the Night Class. (Mostly reluctantly on Zero's side, while Yuuki is all into it in prefect mode and roping him into it regardless of how much he insists the tape idea makes no sense. XD At one point, he falls asleep, and she tugs at his eyelids until he wakes up. 8D;;;; It sounded hilarious but owww~! XD XD;;;)

Most of the Night Class skipped that day in protest of having a hunter teach them, and Kaname is saying he doesn't intends to impose it on anyone, so people are free to attend or not... so it's only Kaname and his main group who attended.
But of course, things go downhill throughout the class period. XD Yagari provokes them, the vampires say outrageous things and much hilarious moments ensue. (He teaches ethics, so he asked them about it, and much talking about drinking human blood ensued. Luca was utterly disgusted by even the mere idea of possibly drinking from the Day Class president boy, who's always all unrequitedly lovey-dovey towards her. XD *lol*)

Throughout the tape, Zero keeps pausing and wanting to leave already, but Yuuki forces him to see it through to the end. XD
Zero also understands Kaname's reactions better than Yuuki throughout the tape, which inevitably amused endlessly the Zero x Kaname yaoi shipper which I am. XD XD<33
(For example, when Aidou is really pushing things beyind what Kaname can take, a thingie of glass on a window in the classroom breaks, in the tape. Yuuki pauses it and is wondering what was that, but Zero realizes well why the glass thingie broke. XD XD *lol*
Similarly, later on they're wondering why Kaname is trying so hard to stay extra extra controlled, and Cain says "the chairman's daughter must have told him something or something", at which point Zero pauses the tape, and sounds like he's laughing while he says that Cain understands so well the way Kaname's mind works. XD XD

*is always so delighted and amused by each show of Z & K understanding each other, something they do to a much higher level than one would expect* X3 ♥)

The track involves epic moments like Luca passing out from happiness when Kaname thanks her for her dedication to him (and when Aidou asks for the same attention, Kaname reminds him of the way Aidou treated him when he was a kid XD XD), Aidou wanting to make the whole class make each their declarations of "Kaname rabu (love)!!" (that too has wonderfully hilarious points like Shiki's description of wanting to touch and taste etc., but it turns out he was actually describing pocky rather than Kaname...XD one point, Kaname and Aidou move off camera and you hear slapping noises. XD XD When they return, Yagari says that he actually feels bad for Kaname rather than for Aidou, due to how epic the whole craziness in class has been going with Aidou's leading the insanity. XD (Yagari had also said earlier that he had no words he could say, of the whole wtf-ery going on there. XD He expected it to be that purebloods could easily raise an army, and instead he felt their group was more like a bunch of crazies proclaiming their Kaname!love instead. XD))

And there's a supreme moment later with Takuma having fun and ending up making Aidou think Kaname actually really appreciates the over-the-top attentions and only acts like he doesn't because in truth Kaname is terribly shy/bashful. 8D
(Takuma lives up to his claim from the fanbook, where he said he was a sadist. XD; He originally said this to poke fun at Kaname, but Aidou believed him, and so... XD)

Aidou subsequent explosion of joy at hearing this, made that he nearly died in the attempt to rush and possibly hug Kaname or whatever it was that he nearly did before a knife flew by almost hitting him (it grazed Aidou's cheek and cut off some hairs, Yuuki says XD) and got blocked by Yagari with the book. XD;
The camera "manfunctioning" right at the right moment made that they could never quite see for sure whether it was Kaname who threw the knife that nearly hit Aidou, or what. XD But well... XD XD *LOL*
Zero says Kaname might have thrown the knife because he was finally fed up of the whole thing, or perhaps even that maybe it was Kaname throwing it but not with an actual intention to hit Yagari (and stopping Aidou's crazy romp was just a a bonus XD), but actually as a way to indirectly get back at the chairman for putting the hidden camera in the first place, and causing so much embarrassment without him being able to stop it sooner. XD
(I was amused by how casually Zero says it all. XD Not accusing, but merely... matter of factly, like perhaps it's not shocking after the whole crazy class went through. XD *lol*
If Zero had been there suffering from all that craze too, no doubt there might have been more windows cracking and Aidou would also have regretted his outbursts. XD XD *lol* (Well, this flashback is passed prior to Zero getting powerful enough to crack windows when his aura is less controlled etc., something we saw later on in chapter 50, but still... he wouldn't have put up with the craziness going on there either. XD *lol*))

I find the version we get in this drama CD funnier than if the knife had been thrown by a random student actually aiming at Yagari like the manga had let us guess. XD *lol* The whole thing with Aidou running around and everything so crazy was so great. XD<3333 *lol*)

Note: The thing of Yuuki calling Zero with a honorific (-san) early in the track is not because she's trying to be cold or distant or anything. She was just joking around and being all prefect-like.
Because not everybody is familiar with the situations in which honorifics are used in Japan, I wanted to explain.

And, because this fandom is prone to strife between fans of different pairings at the slightest little thing... ^^; I'm just repeating again before we move onto the other tracks, please DO NOT bash either side. Lately both sides get it so much of it. D:

Regardless of who you like or hate and regardless of whether you approve or not of how Hino-sensei makes them act, doesn't justifies diminishing other fan's fun by bringing bashing of any of them into it. ^^;;

("A certain day with the boys.")

Passed nowadays/post 1 year long timeskip.
The former Night Class boys (well, only Takuma, Aidou, Cain and Shiki) are getting together at a cafe and trying to plan something fun like a type of party that young people put together for boys and girls to meet (more of an informal thingie not like the big vampire balls, that is XD)... which prompts some interesting reactions and end up in many strange situations...(They don't even get to a party. Just this preparatory meeting went crazy. XD;)

(Among some points in their relationships, later on in the track there's a mention of Sara and Takuma's relationship! ^^ Takuma says he's free, but Shiki hints at it asking Takuma if Sara might get angry if he goes to meet girls... and Takuma replies that considering how she is, she's more likely to find the idea fun and go for it too!! 8DDD
There's also a lot of moe for Cain's feelings for Luca. X3 He worries what she might think of such things and of if he were to get roped by his friends into going to such a party.
And there's also a little bit of Shiki x Rima mention, in that Shiki says Rima wouldn't mind him going, although he says they shouldn't assume he has no girlfriend...then says that she might be pushing him away since she's the one who told him to go. ^^; (Rima is like those cats that you can pet for some time, then they hiss and run off. XD;;; Like how she'd originally refused to let him be her roommate and he only got to join Cross Academy because Ichijou took him in. Though I don't know if she realizes Shiki is growing up and sounding so much more adult these days. X3 (Before, it was all candy/food/etc., now it's considerations about relationships and so on even.))

The track starts with the discovery that Aidou is the only one there who never heard of the term for the type of party, due to being so sheltered (it's not a high-class vampire style of party where you meet prospective mates, that is XD; it's a more low-key and not-fancy event) and there's much mocking of Aidou's pampering by his sisters and lack of knowledge of the things casual young people do, and it is revealed that Takuma, among his many borderline sadistic sources of amusement (XD;;; *lol*), finds it super funny to sort with Kaname's mind. XD XD And has presumably done this throughout the years they spent living together. 8D (By giving him unnecessary knowledge on things that will never be useful for him, but that Takuma teaches him about anyway for fun. (This tidbit was revealed due to the fact Aidou didn't know about the type of parties, and to express how common knowledge in the modern world it was, Takuma said "even Kaname has heard of it", to which Cain refutes that it is only because Takuma must have taught Kaname about it. And Takuma then goes on to reveal other stuff he's taught Kaname, and how it amuses him so much to give him useless info that Kaname diligently learns anyway. XD;;;;;;;;;;;; Cain is shocked. XD)

As you probably already know, my favorite pairing is Zero x Kaname, but I also ship so many yaoi pairings as a secondary thing, among which a vaguely teasing & sadistic Takuma x a lacking-normal-world-knowledge!Kaname, so this stuff in the CD made me roll on the ground in laughter and well.... having plenty of Takuma x Kaname yaoi mind images. 8D

At some point during their discussion, Zero passes by in the street and notices them, glares at them through the window for a bit and then leaves. XD;;; They comment about the way he was doing it and Aidou gets furious because it's a big issue to ignore your senpais from your former school, and he runs after Zero. The others take bets on whether Aidou will be shot or might be crazy enough to drag Zero there. (Shiki thinks the former, Cain bet on the latter.)
It is the latter, to the worry of the remaining people at the table, and to the delight of us fangirls hoping Zero would be featured more too. 8D♥♥♥

They then proceed to risk their lives to the fullest, hahaha~ XD (Especially because Takuma loooves pushing people around for fun ^^;, and Aidou is clueless and also says things that get Zero to keep reaching for the Bloody Rose, prompting Cain and Shiki to try and fix the mess, as it totally seems the other two have a death wish, Takuma because he likes to push people and Aidou because he's clueless. XD;;; *lol*)

It's delightful to hear Zero, although the track is somewhat gloomy at times due to the fact it's passed during the time he's away from Yuuki and so much a hunter, so it's not a cheerful moment for him. (Well... not that Zero is normally skipping around in flower fields, but at that point he is in full hunter mode, says he came to the city to execute a vampire, and is in no mood to hear the Night Class babbling.) ^^;;
He's also expecting that they were plotting something bad, but once he realizes the totally dumb level of the conversation going on between them (XD), he tries to leave, but then they [Takuma is being crazy, but the others are sweet XD;;] are attempting to cheer him up and make him enjoy life more (The group is good-hearted enough that they're trying to actually invite Zero to the potential party they were planning and to get him to forget his work etc. for a bit X333)...However, this type of idea can of course backfire so much, and someone already angry at you is likely to take it really badly if you tell them to chill and come to some party. ^^;; (Even more so if you have someone like Takuma stepping on every single conversational land mine they possibly can, during the whole meeting. ^^;) Which is why thing are not going so well. ^^;

They talk about the possible party and who could and could not attend it due to already being in a couple... Takuma says they can't invite Kaname to the party because he's already in a couple with Yuuki; Cain quickly interrupts Takuma as he's saying "with Yuu-" to save the situation, and changes the subject by saying the reason they can't invite him is because bringing Kaname to such a party would ruin the point of it because all the girls would want him and not them.
Ichijou goes on stepping in such land mines throughout the track though. ^^; AND pushing Aidou into it as well. XD;

Despite Aidou's realization of the danger, he can't stop himself when talking about Kaname, and so as soon as Takuma pushes him into it Aidou ends up going on and on about the Kuran manor and being now the at-home teacher for "the most important person of all for Kaname-sama", and about Kaname being so clingy all over Yuuki etc. every time he goes out of the house or comes back in etc. etc., and Zero keeps reaching for the Bloody Rose in reaction to Aidou's talk.
Takuma is seriously a risk-thriller. ^^;;; Shiki and Cain manage to save the situation by switching to another subject, but Takuma says he is enjoying a rare occasion to get thrills from prodding at Kiryuu-kun. Cain is horrified and trying to convince him of the real danger of it. The others kept having to change the subject to get out of those moments. ^^;

I kept going "O_______O" throughout all those moments, because even though I know it's done to create comedy for the CD with Aidou etc. flipping out in fear as a result, it's painful for Zero, at an already normally angsty moment. Just how the previous AU drama CD was full of painful moments for so many of them. ^^; This CD too, has happier moments and sadder moments... and on one hand, that's a shocking contrast with more cheerful drama CDs in the past, but considering how VK has moved to a much more serious stage in the manga (and much more potentially dangerous and full of tragedy that might happen to any of them all ^^;;;), it's only normal that the drama CDs too would have a bit of both worlds... the cute and funny moments and moe, but also the painful angst and bittersweet moments (angst has beautiful moments and painful moments as well, and often it's both at once...) that make you cling to the character and so much ACHE with them while hoping things will get better for them. ^^;

VK as a whole is full of so many lovable characters, but also so many sad moments and settings here and there too, so... I guess this type of track also reflects that, by giving us fun moments and sad moments side by side. ^^; *clings to them in such cases, and wants to draw happy fanarts to counterbalance a bit at least with the fan side* X3 ♥

It was however so cute that Zero ended up staying with them despite how much he said he wasn't interested or how much he seemed annoyed by them and the nonsensical stuff they kept talking about. XD<33333333333333 *likes when they rope him into stuff, due to hoping he might end up enjoying the things despite it all* If you just stay with the unhappy feelings, it's hard to get out of it, so if others pull him out a bit, one can hope it might be better maybe
(Well, okay, I doubt this meeting in particular helped much, but at least they were trying. ^^;; The Night Class may be vampires but they are seriously well-intentioned and good people. X3 (Takuma was being so odd throughout the track, but the others were more gentle, and Takuma also said he felt it would be good for Zero to get out of his current worries for a bit, and that you can go and have fun to forget the hard stuff for a bit and then go back to working hard the next day and all. ^^/ He said that Zero particularly needed such moments to let go for a bit.
Takuma may have a sadistic side, but he's a good person at heart too. He's just... odd in how he goes at it sometimes, and maybe tries to clumsily breach the problem. (Can anyone imagine how Ichiou might have been when he was Takuma's age, btw? XD The thought fascinates me... XD XD *lol*)

This might be simply due to how Hino-sensei writes certain character types as well. If you remember, chairman Cross too, was always made to say terribly blunt things to Zero, for the sake of Zero reacting and hitting him etc., for comical effect in early volumes of the manga. ^^/ Hino-sensei seems to like this sort of situation, maybe for certain types of characters. ^^;)

There was an epic moment, after things get pushed too far and Zero gets up and almost leaves, but ends up coming back annoyed at Takuma, and Shiki has the daring courage to try and pet Zero's head to try and console him. XD;; (Zero complained of that, but didn't do anything much. XD I think Shiki has that vibe that no one can do something against them, hahaha~ *melted at that scene so much* XD)

In the end, Zero stays to the end and only leaves when the others do too. X3♥

We never find out whether the party has any chance of happening or not. XD *lol* But from the feel of the ending, nope. XD

("A certain day with the girls.")

Passed also nowadays/post 1 year timeskip.

Luca and Rima are also at a cafe somewhere, when they see Yuuki outside drooling at the sweets menu. It turns out she is wandering around the city looking for sweets, but forgot her wallet etc. and she expected Aidou to come running after her (because neither of them was supposed to be wandering around while Kaname was out, since this is still while it's dangerous. XD Yuuki snuck out, and so she expected Aidou to come after her, and in the process to bring whatever she might need. 8D;;; )
But Aidou lost track of her, and she's all wanting dessert foodies but unable to buy it due to the forgotten wallet.

Luca and Rima capture her and drag her off (she was distracted by the menu and was easily captured with them just sneaking up behind her and throwing a tablecloth over her head and carrying her away wrapped in it, much to their shock and concern over it being so easy to capture her despite her being a pureblood XD;;;), and once she is free and realizes its them, they end up paying for a tons of sweets she orders suddenly. XD; (Well, we can think maybe she paid them back later when Aidou caught up, but she did order right away when she had no money, so... XD XD; At least for now it was on them... XD XD;)

They talk for a while, and Aidou finally pops up, all angry. Yuuki wonders if maybe they could bribe Kaname by bringing home sweets for him, to mollify him when he hears they were wandering by themselves. XD Aidou doesn't thinks it will work. XD *lol*

They're just so lucky it was Luca and Rima that found her before Aidou, and not a random vampire wanting to devour Yuuki, especially the ones so hungry for purebloods that we've seen. It's like Yuuki's guard is 100% gone once there's tasty foods nearby. ^^;;; (And we wonder why Kaname is so certain of doom and wary of her going to places on her own. XD;;; *lol*)

"Vampire † Quest"

Also passed nowadays/post time skip, amd one of my favorite tracks in the CD. 8D Not surprisingly, of course, since this is the delightful one in which we get to see Zero and Kaname in the same spot for once~!!! *________* *has been DYING for some interaction between them in the manga in SO LONG* T^T *weeps at the lack of the two together in so long*

Well... the interaction between the trio in this track is passed in a dream Yuuki was having (while taking a nap at the Kuran manor due to being tired from Aidou's lessons XD), but still. XD XD *lol* I'll take anything if it's between Zero and Kaname, and there was some very mild fanservice, so yay! X3

"Vampire Quest" is the name of some game Yuuki decides to play (in the dream she was having, since making it be in a dream was how Hino-sensei got around the problem of all this situation in the track without affecting the manga plot), as a way to settle things between the boys so that they won't fight for real.

It starts with them wanting to kill each other, and Yuuki keeps separating them and saying that since it's her dream, she wants them all to have a picnic peacefully, instead of Z&K fighting. XD<333 *REALLY LIKES Yuuki's way of thinking for this* 8D<33

Yuuki finally gets them to play a game together with her, but things escalate to the point where Yuuki is wondering if they might kill each other over the game. XD XD
(It's supposed to be a children's game where you play with cards and whoever reaches the goals and killed more vampires [in the game] wins, but the rules are different from what Yuuki remembers (possibly Kaname's doing XD) with all sorts of things like the cards doing different things much more complicated than the version Yuuki remembered, and so there's tons of tasks the players have to do also, one of which includes you having to kiss the hand of the enemy depending on the card you pull in the game etc.... and Zero gets that when going against Kaname!! 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD♥

But before we can nosebleed too much, rather than kissing Kaname, Zero tries to stab him with a knife, unfortunately. XD; (From the sound of it, it sure wasn't a dinner knife this time around! XD;; But luckily Kaname dodges right on time. XD)

They play for a while more (Yuuki kept getting cards that made her unable to do anything to stop their fighting, and with funny results like "you pass a turn...and have to imitate this joker pose as well" and other things she laments XD), with some hilarious stuff between the two guys and Yuuki panicking thinking they'll kill each other (Zero pulls the card saying he will kill Kaname when he reaches the same spot as him in the game, but when he does, Kaname pulls a card that makes him invincible for one turn, and so he gets a chance to kill Zero instead... except neither of them is doing it for real, but they're acting so serious that Yuuki initially thinks they were actually going to kill each other in real life XD), and so Yuuki is all shocked when she realizes they've ended up getting to playing properly and aren't actually going to fight. XD

Both Zero and Kaname end up cheering Yuuki up saying she should be just carefree etc. (when she was yet again lamenting that she wanted a carefree dream where they don't fight etc. XD), and they both sound so soft as they talk to her. X3 ♥

By the end, Zero ends up getting the same kiss card again; he initially voices displeasure at getting it again, but... it turns out this time it's not against Kaname, it's Yuuki. We don't get to find out if he would have kissed her hand in the dream though, because then Kaname asks "I wonder if you would do me the favor to wake up before Kiryuu-kun kisses your hand, Yuuki...?" And she goes "??" (because she forgets for a moment that she was in a dream, or maybe simply didn't expect them to realize it was a dream XD), and Zero comments "You're really too jealous..." and Yuuki wakes up at the manor, finding Kaname by her side telling her a good morning gretting and saying she "seemed to be having a lively dream".

As a fan of the threesome together and also fan of her with both/either of the guys, I was amused by how calmly the end of the dream went! Because you'd expect them to say such lines in a much more tense manner, but it was totally not that way at all. X3 Both Kaname and Zero said those two lines totally peacefully and conversationally. XD ♥
Kaname wasn't insisting for Yuuki to wake up no matter what, he simply asked if she would, and Zero didn't sound incriminating or anything bad when he said Kaname was too jealous, he sounded so strangely peaceful, which was so cute. XD<3

I couldn't help but nosebleed happily and fangirl wildly that peacefulness, because it's so far off from the usual tension and rivalry between the two guys, that it was inevitable to think that if the trio were together as a threesome, maybe this is how they would spend their time, playing games together, teasing each other, poking fun at each other's reactions gently and all... *FANGIRLY GLEE* 8D ♥♥♥

It would be so adorable~! And it gives me hopes that if Hino-sensei wrote this last scene for the track in such a peaceful manner between the three of them, then maybe it means she could be also possibly into happy peaceful scenes between the trio, and maybe there's hope for the manga ending... Or at least, I prefer to think it's maybe that, rather than she's just giving us those happy moments in CDs etc. to compensate for utter tragedy in the ending of the series. ^^; *hopes for the best*
(Or maybe she was just compensating for all the fighting and stuff during the rest of the track... XD; But fans can dream that it might be a more long run positive meaning than just that, maybe~! X3)

I know threesome endings are terribly unlikely to shojo manga, but there are always precursors for new genres, and series that change how past tendencies and cliches were. :D And VK already has so many taboo breakings with the cannibalism and recurrent incest even among established relationships like the heroine's parents, something more than uncommon in the basic mainstream shojo series, so it would be lovely if it could break that taboo too and have a happy ending with both of the guys being with Yuuki. X3 (It's pretty much the only way we could have a happy ending for all three of them, so... ^^;;)

And of course, I wish there was more actual fanservice between the guys in the CD, but it was still lovely even if it was instead mostly them with Yuuki. (Despite the fact this was supposed to be Yuuki's dream, apparently all three of them were having it!! X333 Because around that time, Zero woke up too elsewhere, and he'd apparently been asleep seeing the dream too. *___*<33

This comforts me a bit in the idea that at least, if it was a sort of a shared dream, then Zero and Kaname were really sort of in the same spot for a bit, even if it was a dream. X333333 ♥ So it was a lovely moment to have them both with Yuuki, but also them both with each other. X3 *totally prefer to ignore that they were fighting throughout the track, as long as there's still a soft vibe despite it all* XD;;

The idea of the trio together, playing games, spending time together and all, utterly delights me. X333 ♥♥♥

When I have time I MUST draw a cozy & lovely fanart scene of the trio playing together or just relaxing on the couch or something.


"Anti-Sentimental Memories."

(Engrish title is Engrish. XD *is shot*
Fluffy flashback of the Kuran family when Yuuki and Kaname were little.
There's two days in this track. The parents and them do all sorts of adorable things together, like playing hide-and-seek, and reading stories to little Yuuki. X3

The hide-and seek is SO CUTE! XD
Little Kaname is all attentions for little Yuuki by hiding in easy spots so she can find him fast and not feel discouraged, and so on. XD Yuuki is hilarious, and Kaname totally melts while seeing her look for him and the parents in the most epic spaces, including inside a flower vase (!! XD) and by lifting small cushions on the couch etc. calling out to see if oniisama is beneath! XD
Haruka and Juri are all over each other in the closet, and making noise making it hard to stay hidden. XD Also, due to the lack of space where they were hiding Juri was hitting Kaname' in the face with her elbow while going crazy over how cute Yuuki is. 8D He says he understands the feeling but that it's hitting his face pretty hard. XD;; (He sounds so polite and hesitant to complain even in such a situation, hahaha~ XD)
Juri is then amused by messing with Kaname's face and cheeks saying he's so cute (and that it's funny how he looks so troubled when she does all this XD;; torture... *lol*) until Haruka gets jealous of all the Juri!attention someone other than him is getting! *lol* XD
It only gets worse as they then get all over each other while crushing little Kaname between them. XD XD;;;
Eventually, they're all so loud that little Yuuki reveals that she knew for a while that they were hiding in there. XD<33 *lol*

[Btw, in case you find it confusing: Sometimes, when talking to the kids, the parents will call each other by their titles of father or mother rather than by their names. It's because they're talking to the kids then. And it's also a Japanese thing, sometimes married couples with kids do it even when talking to each other.]

The next day (same track) is the scene when they read for little Yuuki and it's so cute also. X3
It ends with Haruka and Juri being also so clingy on them that the kids run off on their own and Kaname will read for Yuuki instead. XD; *lol*

(It starts kind of cutely sad, because Juri and Yuuki are having all the fun together, and Kaname was actually hiding to listen to the story their mom was telling Yuuki, up until Juri calls him out of hiding and into the room. XD<3 He's resisting cutely, until Yuuki tells him to come in and sit next to her and he immediately accepts and comes in. XD
Juri then wants Kaname to read, but Yuuki clings to him so much that he can't turn the pages, and Juri is also squishing him. XD
Haruka comes in, and is jealous that Kaname squished is between the two... Kaname rushes to offer Haruka the spot instead, and Juri and Yuuki comment on Haruka being jealous. (Cutely though, he wasn't scary or anything. XD; He's just so clingy, like Kuran males definitely seem to be. XD)
Haruka wants to read for his family then, and Juri kind of sound slightly annoyed at losing her fun of making Kaname do it. XD XD *lol*)

If not for the fact this is when Kaname is quite little, Haruka x Kaname fans might go wild at the fact Haruka actually managed to creep Kaname out by insisting he "sit cutely on his lap", until Kaname muttered under his breath "creepy..." (one of the few times he actually says something the way a normal little kid speaks, before he quickly corrected himself to instead politely decline the offer XD), and picked a spot farther away in the room instead. XD;
After this, Yuuki ditched the parents and ran off with Kaname and the story book they were going to read, and Haruka lamented that he made their children ditch them. XD

And just in case anyone gets an odd impression: It wasn't truly creepy, rather it was just a fatherly 'my family all around me~!!'-type of clingy vibe, (that one could actually easily expect from chairman Cross instead, actually XD) Haruka went on saying it's the ideal father spot to have his wife and daughter one on each side of him and his son on his lap. It wasn't done with a creepy intent towards them or anything, more of an overclinginess, which growing boys might not find fun since cuddling on laps is more for when you're younger, but it isn't gross or anything. XD
Anyway, Kaname was definitely not wanting to sit on his lap, hahaha~ XD
It amuses me that even though he refused Haruka's lap this time, he sat on Zero's lap just fine in the bonus image for volume 11! XD XD ♥)

Noises in the CD like the very light sound of little Kaname getting off the spot he was sitting on and the much louder sound of Haruka sitting down are such a cute contrast, as well as the difference in their voices and how adorable it is when Juri says something to make fun of Haruka's jealousy and Yuuki repeats cutely in her chibi chibi voice!! XD<333

It's however bittersweet to see how Kaname often feels isolated. ^^; He often sounds so polite and hesitant around them, like he's stepping on eggshells. They try to pull him in, but he seems to not feel like he fits in, and replies so politely and saying it's okay if he just stands farther off and listens to them. He says he already has it good enough just by being "Yuuki's oniisan", but... he doesn't has the carefreeness the others have. ;-; *clings to the poor angsty chibi-thing* ♥

The parents decide to continue with the story reading after Kaname says he'll just be over there farther away, but Yuuki feels bad for Kaname and ends up getting up and running up to him, telling him she'll be with him. Kaname's demeanor/voice changes completely from the subdued and lonely feel of before, to gasping aloud with surprise and sounding super happy as he talks to her then. X3 ♥
Yuuki then snatches the book from Haruka and the children both run off together to go read toegther in the room instead, while Haruka is all "DDDD:" at being ditched by his kids. XD;

The CD ends on two adorable scenes: One of Haruka and Juri, with Haruka trying to explain that he loves Juri most of all, but that when it comes to the children he loves them both equally, not one of them more than the other. ♥ He loves them so much that he gets the urge to demonstrate that love so much, but he says he's clumsy at it and then it ends up like this. XD *lol* He was so adorable in this scene! X3 And Juri sounded so cute too, cheering him on~!

And the last scene is Kaname and Yuuki in the room (we don't know who's room, or if they shared one when they were little kids or what), saying the parents will be okay even if they ran off, and Kaname mentions that Haruka and Juri are like "they are in a ten thousand years long honeymoon mode". XD<3
And so Kaname will read the book for her instead, and then Yuuki can tell her impressions of the story to the parents the next day and they'll be certainly enjoy hearing her tell them, he says. :D
He entrusts Yuuki with the task of turning the pages while he reads for her, and she concludes the CD saying her home is everyday like this (the fluffy happiness of this CD track), and then says "theeee eeennnnnnnnnnd~~~~!" in a super cute voice. X3

Lately, pairing wars have reached such levels of nonsense that I've gotten actually wary of posting fangirling either of the two main pairings with Yuuki (at least when I talk only about lovely Zero x Kaname yaoi, less rocks fly XD; ), because people act so violently and some occasionally flame others just for talking about either of the pairings, even if you fangirl both sides. ^^;
So PLEASE, don't do this. Don't bash anything, and much less, please don't flame people.
We shouldn't have a fandom where people feel afraid to post in their own blog because they might get flamed. ^^;;; It's just not fair.
Let's enjoy the fandom in a peaceful and gentle manner, without hurting anyone. ^^;

Please take example in the loving cuteness of chibi Yuuki, or even in the track where she's grown up and asking both of them to not fight and to instead have a peaceful picnic with her or something. X3 *wants the trio in a threesome SO MUCH* 8D *picnic fanart urges* X3333

It's much more enjoyable to focus on such happy ideas than on whatever you hate in the series. ^^;;/ You'll enjoy VK more if you focus on the love, and the people around you will be happier too.<3

Besides, none of us is Hino-sensei. No matter who you love or hate, no amount of bashing from either side or fans of either pairing will have an influence in making Hino-sensei suddenly scrape the story and write it according to forum bashings etc., regardless of which pairing you think might "win" in the end or how you wish the story would happen. (If Hino-sensei saw some of the hatred that has been written in various places about her series, her characters and even herself (!!), she would probably be deeply hurt, rather than change to suit the bashers, anyway! ^^;;;)
And this isn't the point anyway.
The point is to enjoy the series we love and its characters, not to waste time focusing on hatred. ^^//

Only Hino-sensei knows whatever might happen in the end, or the various twists the series might or might not still hold before then, so all we readers can do is pretty much enjoy the ride and tag along while we fangirl/fanart/fanfic/etc. to our heart's content to express our love for VK. X3

And before I ramble endlessly on the subject again... XD;;;

CD pack with the tracks + images etc:

Download here~!

Warning: It's a bit heavy because of the really long tracks. ^^;

And it's also in WMA format currently because my converting program is being
stupid and refusing to work. But I'll probably update with mp3s when I can. ^^;/
I don't want to do it with an online converter because they ruin the audio quality.

Btw, please don't go around reuploading the file alone since it might end up in tracks and images being separated and people uploading it to places that have links that expire and so on. ^^;
If you want to share the CD with other people then please post a link to this entry, so that people can download the file here and it won't get scattered everywhere in expiring links etc. ^^/

This is a limited item and fun to see with everything together, and it's a pity if it gets scattered in parts only or if it's uploaded to places where quickly no one can find it anymore or where links expire. At least with it here you can find it safely, so it's far simpler to just give the link of this post, if you must give a link. :D

And I repeat myself, but please, please, support the series and Hino-sensei!! ^^/

This CD is ONLY being posted here because since it's now a collectible no longer available for normal sale from the company itself, its purchases are more just for collecting since they won't be directly supporting the series as much since they'd be purchases from fellow fans and so on, which is fine for collecting, but it's not the same as buying the books.

Please, always remember to buy the official VK releases etc. :D<3

The books and other official stuff currently for sale are easiest the way to support the series and keep it alive. If you only download or read online without buying, you are slowly killing the series you claim to love. You must participate in keeping the series alive, by buying the official things. ^^/

We must all keep VK alive by supporting the series + Hino-sensei and the companies releasing official stuff, and which make it possible for us to have VK stuff.

*hopes you'll enjoy the CD* :D ♥♥♥

I wasn't sure if I'd have had the time to make this post and some more stuff before my work stuff goes back into rush mode again and eats all my time away, but luckily it was possible. :D
For the fan-game I'm currently making for VK though, we'll probably have to wait until later in the month, sorry. ^^; *is getting swamped again* ^^;

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