Jan 22, 2007 16:35
snowy in p town tonight, katrina's sick so the evening's plans have been cancelled, which is probably just as well, though now im bored and a little depressed, maybe its the weather, maybe its no katrina, maybe its just me. might go to ruskis with friend jon. excitement abounds.
so "yeah ok" is officially now a band, with me guitaring and singing, katrina bassing and singing, our friends elliot drumming and matt keyboarding. matt has this sweet rhodes piano that sounds awesome, essentially the same model that Thom Yorke uses with Radiohead. assuming we can nail down regular practices, which have thus far been a challenge, it should be a fun project. theres a myspace site, www.myspace.com/yeahokmusic. not too many friends as yet.
i am also at the moment unemployed. the shop, specifically goat's head soup (which until recenly was known as acoustic coffee), has had to shut its doors due to tax issues with the state. Maybe permanently, maybe temporarily. its hard to tell if the situation is dire or if I should be optimistic. the shop has been so important to the portland music, spoken word and art scene and it would be absolutely devastating to alot of people if it closed. I personally would pretty much have no life whatsoever if it did close. either way im waiting to find out what happens, and collecting unemployment, which thankfully, is available to me. dont know what id do without that.
my relationship with katrina has gone through some craziness but is in a really good place right now, we're pretty much best friends, and I feel really good about that. i think ultimately we run into trouble as people when we try to label things. labels give things a definition, and a definition gives things a set of rules and expectations. when you say someone is your girlfriend or boyfriend, the expectations change and certain things become reality. Ive known many a divorced person who's said marriage changed their very happy relationship with their partner into something not so happy, just by changing the definition of what the relationship was and what the expectations and standards and rules were.
me, i prefer where Katrina and I are, to be honest. undefined. we hang out when we want. do what we want. dont do what we dont want. no recriminations or dissapointments, no expectations. pretty fucking cool really. i wonder how long it will last this way. :) probably until she or i meet someone else.
Oh well, all you can do is the best you can do from moment to moment. if you do that it's hard to have regrets. that's a lesson ive learned well.