Random Post

Feb 10, 2015 07:31

I've not posted in a while.  Mostly 'cuz I have little to say.  But, CBC annoyed me the other day.  I sent them a rant, which I also posted on Craigslist:

Dear CBC Radio;

Here's an unbridled, stream of consciousness rant.

You guys now, mostly, officially suck.

You're still doing some awesome stuff. Quirks and Quarks. Ideas. DNTO. Q is even sometimes pretty good. So, Radio One, you're mostly okay.

But, damn. I was listening to The Debaters today whilst driving back from replacing a key top on a piano. I had to cut out after I arrived home. And now, when I decide, "Hey, I think I might try this intertubes thing and listen to the end of that amusing, comic interlude!", I find that you fornicators are telling me I can purchase the entire program on iTunes. Seriously. WTF. I've already paid for that stuff once. I want to be able to listen to that stuff again. Ideally, without having to pay for it via iTunes. Of course, I might be mistaken, and iTunes is really an awesome Canadian Crown corporation that gives generously to the arts and ugly cancer kids and whatnot. But I doubt it.

Look. If there was an option on my tax form, I'd give you artsy layabouts every cent. I'd much rather see the CBC funded than get anally violated by Stephen Harper and his freakin' omnibus legislation (most of which seems to be focused on screwing up water, building prisons and eliminating anything resembling privacy, civil liberties, and fair and democratic representation). But I digress.

Whatever miniscule percentage of my pathetic tax dollar ends up with you. . .well, it helped pay for stuff. Like The Debaters. Which I want to listen to. Without having to pay for it. Again.

By all means, charge Americans for this stuff. If I can't get U.S. Netflix, then charge them for stuff they can listen to for free if they live in Buffalo or Blaine or wherever.

But, really, my rant is about CBC Two.

You pricks can effin' bite me. I like my classical music. Julie Nazwhatshername, yeah, she has a nice voice. Actually, she has a voice like melted emeralds. I would so tap that voice. But that voice is not why I listened to CBC for years. I miss Clyde Gilmour. He sounded, frankly, tubercular. A gravel road to Ms. Julie's emeralds. But, damn, you never knew what you were getting with him. His music, and breadth of knowledge, was breathtaking. Yeah, sometimes I was bored to tears. I don't like everything. His organ music made me wince. But whatever. Mostly it was varied and awesome.

Jurgen Gothe was, mostly, tedious. But, again, mostly good, solid, classical music.

So. What I'm saying is, I don't want to listen to the rubbish you're pedaling most of the day. I want baroque. I want classical. I'd love more medieval, and 20th century classical music. Right now, I'm going through everything I can find from Morten Lauridsen and Arvo Part. Hell, I'll even listen to some romantic music if I can get more baroque. In short, I'll put up with Schumann and Schubert if I can get more Charpentier and Schoenberg.

In the evenings, I enjoyed what I remember of jazz shows. And I still miss Brave New Waves, and Two New Hours.

So, in short, please, for the love of all that's holy, unholy, or spiritually indifferent, ditch this current contemporary music line up and go back to what you're good at. Give me stuff that fills my soul with ease, my heart with joy, and my brain with spark and vigour and imagination. Give me something different from what just about every other radio station plays.

And please do not ask me to pay for it again when I try to listen to it later on your website. Especially if it's stuff you've made.

C'mon, guys. You're so close to be so mega-awesome all the time. Keep what's good, and give me more of what's better.

Rant over.

Here's the link to the rant 'til it expires: http://calgary.craigslist.ca/rnr/4878006166.html

CBC has not, as of yet, responded...
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