
Feb 08, 2010 11:07

Ohhh my...
Depeche mode concert...
I have no words...
That was my best life, not even best day...Like parallel Universe! My life and my soul and my body and brain...
All of my existing was in their world...

Это было незабываемо...

I've been there beside metal fence in the dance parter, and i saw all so clear **
If i can say shorter- i saw everything that my eyes should see ...
(i was afraid that i will be stareing on king pinguin Andy(*L*) all the concert, but i saw him just a few times, because in the field of my sight, clearer then other one's i saw, two shakings and glittering precios figures od Dave Gahan and Martin L. Gore!!)*___*
I was stared on the screen progection and then on the real body's of them..and in this second i realised...that they are there...realy on this scene...not only in the pixel's projections, but in our reality...Living gods in humans body's, just in a few mitters from my transitory body.
In such a moments-they are not humans at all, not a simple narrow persons, but the voices of the Universe, that talking to us,
directs our life streams, hugs our bodys , steals our energy,and then giving us all this converted energy in the 10 times bigger....

Organisation of the concert was good (for me for example)
I take my dance parter bracelet in two minutes))) And was inside the stadium in a few momens.)
And then in a 15 minutes i'v already was standing on my place. xD

When show was begins i feel the first stroke of my heart....the firts one in that goddes Universe. And then i feel that loud sound from my frought, and my arms reach out to the stage! And i know perfectly, that i was not alone there...Because there was full stadium of hands, like mine...anout 25 000 peoples!
And all of us was, in this seconds connected with invisible channels to that mystery creature-Depeche Mode.
And if you imaging those energy threads, it would be the most beautiful and intricate web of the world ...

When Fletch came to the scene...then it was the START!...There was one voice for each other, our voice.
Then...then i saw angel...Martin was so beautiful and shine...his costume was glittering and he had such a lovely face expression.
I will be silent for the moment when we saw our personal Jesus on the scene...That was a stopping time moment...

But now i can't remember all the moments of the songs...because i i feel like my brain was sucked by DM. Dave bite my heart with his vampair teeths, and Martin just took my sole...

My space ship is on his way in the space...has not yet landed after the aroun Universe journey ...

But i know now-clearer then ever, that Martin's voice is the most beautiful and mystery sound of the Universe!!
And his genius energy was deadly for me...in the straight meaning of this word!
When Mart begined to sing Dressed in Black...i realised that something wrong with my body...And i have only his voice in my mind...nothing more.
I closed my eyes, bowed my head, and then i feeled that i was drifting with this stream of sound...and that was true...
Martin grasped my soul and pulled it in his arms with a cosmic force.
Ant then i feel like all the stadium was empty...just me and Mart there...and the blood pressure in my head. (or that was a sound of the music?)
And then i realised that i'm flowing frough the stadium, and i see that my feets do not touch the ground...
I opend my eyes...and...i saw that i'm pulled away from the dance area...i touched scene with my eyes...and realised all that happend...
I was fainted...and that was the most pleasure moment of my body's feelings...I can compare this feeling only with the strongest orgasm!
And then i was laying on the couch in a medical office...

My body can't do anything with Martins strong energy... But the most mystery thing was...that i have very good blood pressure in this moment...like astranavt!! XDDDDD
And my cell phone was Off-ed...(in the morning his bettery was filled with energy) О_о"...
And then medics asked me...If i was under the drug or drunk in that moment...
But...that question was so funny... Yeahhi was on the strongest drug and alco...called Depeche Mode!!! xDD
But they don't understand me...(((
Jus shouted at me that my body is such a thin thing...arghhhhh....@_@

But this is not important...
The main thing is...that i'v heared the last 3 songs frough the wall...
and was so happy to feel my body hurting...

This was my BEST LIFE!!
I belive in Depeche Mode...
They are now my religion...
I want to feel this again...like a strongest drug...like a shining way to heaven...
Martin L. Gore, Dave Gahan, Andrew Fletcher, Peter Gordeno,Christian Eigner, Anton Corbijn...
You are my gods of sounds and visual world...

sorry for my english...
i have so much emotions that i can't write it right...

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