well, what.

May 13, 2009 23:32

So I went grocery shopping.

And pretty much - no...

...I got swarmed by old women/ladies/grannies/senior citizens or whatever the hell you wanna call them - cus they're old and smells very much like old people -
yeah, but how come my gran doesn't smell like that, eh?

Yeah, I was on my way down the escalator, and right there I got swarmed, they were all over me, I was fuckingsurrounded by grannies, and I tried to walk/get past them, but failed, it's like, they won't let me pass! meh.

So I gave up the whole idea, and waited patiently.

Uh-huh, that's how my day went -
  • groceries.
  • escalator incident.
  • senior citizens.
  • swarmed and cornered.
  • my patience got tested.
MY BOOM: Sir fuckingChristus. He's been in my mind lately too. XD

daily, escalator incidents, random

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