What more can I say?

Mar 14, 2010 20:42

She can't breathe. The world is blind to her suffering, but still it suffocates her into nothing. She cries out for help but no one hears because no one is listening.

She feels she can't take anymore, but she has to be strong for others. But who's going to be strong for her?

She hopes for the best, but what if the worst is yet to come?

She goes through life everyday, living for a better tomorrow, but the day never comes. She dies more every night, and no one can find the missing pieces of her soul.

Her expressions have become automatic and are all fake. But no one notices because the truth will hurt them.

They say the truth will set you free, but that in itself is a lie.

True freedom comes at the end of the line, and only then.

She wants to take the easy way out, but the sorrow others will go through, breaks her heart in every possible way.

So the question is whether to suffer in silence or condemn others to suffer for her?

And is it right to ask so much of the people she cares about? Even when they refuse to show any compassion for her?

The hard desicions are placed on her shoulders as a heavy load. She struggles and barely makes it. It gets harder all the time, and no one bothers to help.

And even if they knew to help, she wouldn't let them because it is her burden, and hers alone.

Sometimes she makes mistakes. The smallest mistake calls for drastic consequences. But she thinks she deserves it.

Even though the back of her mind is screaming that this is unfair.

But she does nothing about it because she can't and she won't.

She turns to music to help ease the pain, but even the most heavenly of voices can't heal a broken spirit.

But they sure as hell can help keep up the act.

She writes her thoughts down to keep from having a mental breakdown, though she is always a thought away from one. With every word, she pours her heart out, waiting to be listened to, but knowing that this is the best she can get.

She takes whatever she can get, because she never expects anything more.

But everyday she will wait, everyday she will wait to be heard. 

hopeless, needs to be heard, my fucked up life

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