I'm actually supposed to be off in the room, changing into my pajamas, but for some reason, I find myself now glued to this chair...
I haven't been on LJ for ages, and it's pretty interesting now that I haven't. : D
bokeh_by_an3tz-d2zs9xr on deviantART
Yet again, I make a come-back, yet a come-back empty handed... ;__; I'm so busy lately, it's unebelievable.
Just the other day, (last tuesday...!?) I got an envelope from a classmate, and her friend's sister asked me in it (she's 18 by the way) to design a tattoo for her :{D Of course I was extremely happy that she asked me, and at the moment, I'm busy composing it.
Hopefully soon, I'll also get the Wavom Bamboo tablet, as my cousin in London's going to help me get it here to SA - I really hope everything goes smoothly, so I'm praying!!
Also, my story has been coming along quite well, but this is the part where I leave you. Soon, I'll also upload the birthday gift a friend from school gave me <3 it's so wonderful, it makes me want to cry.
Oooh~ + this Friday, will be going out at 2.30 for tea and things with some school friends nearby, and on Saturday, I'm invited for a sweet 16 party - my weekend's so full of love : D
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STYLESHEET CREATOR: scythe.livejournal.com
STYLESHEET NAME: Spin the Record
S2 STYLE: Smooth Sailing
DOWNLOAD: thrashmetal.livejournal.com