minty_peach !!!!!!
@@ there is honestly something wrong with me lately - dunno why, but I just haven't been active for... pretty much... decades...
I guess...
Sorry you guys... T.T the next time I post, I'll make sure I'm gonna put up some real cool icons for you guys, alright? I'm just so useless lately >w<' it's quite unbelievable.
so, MAYBE the Pancake stories are getting a bit old... but hey : D
I gotta admit - I still have some skill, you guys.
I mean, I wasn't supposed to go at all, but hey, I ended up going anyway to this weird Centenary fair thing (it's a high school, btw; a famous one at that... @@ ) and I ended up seeing a whole lotta Primary School friends - also one chick from my school at the moment, I ended up seeing Rukhsaar, (yey!), some other chick I couldn't even remember, but anyway, I just went to the fair thing for my sister's karate demo.
SO; we got there, and my mum was looking around for a place to buy some food, so she goes off to look for some chows, and then I see him...
I saw Pancake in the stall NEXT to where my mother was victimising...
And you know what the worst part is? He saw me too.
So I looked up and tried avoiding any sort of eye contact with him, but unfortunately that didn't work, (I couldn't stop trying to catch his attention for some reason) so he gestured for me to "Come over...!" ...
So yeah... I smiled, walked over to him, smiled more, and we stared up a conversation... : D
Him - 'How you?' Me - 'Oh, I'm okay - what about you? Wow, I haven't seen you in such a long time...!!!' 'Oh, I'm okay.' *Nod* 'Cool' 'So what school do you go to?' 'Oh, Ridge Park College; what about you?'
oh my GAWD, that was SOOOOOO obvious; I mean, he was working at a stall for a school by the name of Centenary... of course he GOES to Centenary you idiot... o.e''
And honestly...? I started laughing XDDDD;;; I laughed and slipped out the obvious, and he laughed with me, but strangely enough? He's pretty cool.
So yeah; eventually, I had to go, and well? that was my... strange day at the Centenary fair... XDDD~
Sayonara; see you some other day~
Ga-kun love~