Atonement - Spoilers abound!

Sep 11, 2007 20:20

I hate quite a boring afternoon here so I decided to take a trip to the conema where I work to watch a movie, The movie in question was the new Keira Knightley movie "Atonement" - I don't know why I wanted to see this so badly...I remember seeing trailers and thinking "Wow this looks intresting, I should go watch it." So I did...and WOW what a stunning, beautiful, moving piece of cinema this was...

The movie itself was very confusing to watch from the beguinning you had to understand what was going on within the first 45 minutes or so because you spent the first 15 minutes watching it from One character's point of view and then what really happened...I really liked that for some reason. And it was also quite easy to see why such a young child would misunderstand half the things Briony did. Seeing Keira in that underdress DID look skin coloured anyway so I suppose in the eyes of a young child it almost looked as if her older sister was exposing herself.

Eventually this turns into one big huge story the young girl tells the police officers after her stupid cousins run away...The young girl believes the man her sister is indeed in love with is a sex maniac and has raped her eldest cousin and forced her sister to make love with him therefore making it very easy to lie to the police especcially since Young Briony has been habouring a crush on the male character from the beguinning. It also didn't help that he made the fatal mistake of accidently sending Keira Knightly a letter informing that he'd make love to her over and over and would possibly kiss her wet Cunt. Yes that's right "Cunt" the immature part of me wanted to snerk seeing those words typed up on screen. So anyway poor Robby is dragged away by the police leaving Keira very disdraught and Briony somewhat pleased and yet very guilty about what she's done.

Now about 4 or 5 years later Keira and Briony are both female nurses during the war And Robby has been given the choice either to rot in jail or join the soldiers at war, So he decides he'd go to war because then he'll eventaully get to go back to the woman he loves, Keira of course knows her beloved DIDN'T rape her cousin and is still madly in love with Robby they constantly right to each other.
Briony on the other hand demands that the other nurses refer to her as "Tallis" as it sounds pretty and mysterious. Regretting every single day what she did all those years ago and hopes that both Robby and her sister will forgive her.

There's a absoutley gorgeous heart wrenching scene where Robby goes to the beach in france and it's havoc...complete mayhem and yet I couldn't help but think it was beautiful, Nothing done orderly, Horses being shot one after the other, Stupid people hanging off the chairs on ferris wheels drunks hanging about everywhere, Dead soldiers lying about...My heart almost broke to see things in such dissarray.
I do hope there's a soundtrack available because the score here really made me cry.

A few months after that we see Briony again tending to soldiers who have returned from the war, She's asked to speak to this one french soldier...they have this real sweet deep meaningful conversation...He asks her if she loves him and she says yes...The poor soldier then dies. This was another scene I found myself crying was sad to see that Briony once again had to lie to this poor soldier for the last few moments of his life and yet you fele it was the right thing for her to do as Briony's not really a character you're supposed to hate...she's just very messed up in the head.

A little while later she attends the wedding of her cousin and the gentleman who indeed DID rape her all that time ago...The cousin sees Briony and knows that Briony now knows what really happened back then...Briony's imagination got so caught up with her and she was so furious at Robby for denying the feelings she felt for him she blamed every single little thing on him. Briony then leaves the church and heads to her sister's home...

Briony wants nothing but to apologuise to her sister and Robby about the trouble she's caused, Robby sees her...almost beats the shit out of her or should have were it not for Briony's sister stepping in...Robby then tells Briony to go back to her home with ther mother and father, testify the truth and to never EVER come back to them every again...

The scene fades to black we know see a elderly Briony speaking about her new book she's wrote entitled "Atonement" she explaisn to the interviewer that this will be the last book she ever writes because she has a brain hemeridge and the doctor told her she only has months to live.
It's also explained that Robby never even CAME home to her sister in the end he died of sickness shortly after that wonderful scene I was talking about earlier, the night before he even got to come home.
And the sister died due to hiding in the tube line somewhere as it was bombed and the pipes burst flooding everywhere...Briony then tells the interviewer that the reason she changed the ending in her book was the only real way she could have ever apologuised to what happened all those years ago...It was the only way she would ever be able to grant them the happiness they actually deserved.

Fucking beautiful movie if it doesn't get any Oscars or awards or something I'll be furious...I'm tempted to buy the book and read it myself if it isn't too heavy reading for myself...

Not as good as Martin's review of "Run Fat Boy Yun" but I at least wanted to write something about this movie before I forgot about it until it was finally released on DVD.


keira knightley, atonement, movies

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