Nov 14, 2006 11:35
Some of you may have noticed that my updates have been pretty scarce lately. This is largely due to a combination of Nanowrimo, University projects and working at sainsburies which leaves me little time to rant away at things.
That said, i felt i had to share this with absolutely everybody. I am halfway through that novel! there are certainly parts that i want to rip to shreds but over all i've found that "not half bad" feeling and want to just kiss the ground and praise god for it. I am feeling a renewed determination to just get to the end of this, and i think i'll hate myself if i give up now.
In other news, i've only got two essays left to write for this term, and I feel like therapy isn't making me want to hurt people any more so hopefully that's progress. I also turned 20 this weekend which feels a little weird. I was going to try and do backdates but i can't be bothered and i'm procrastinating too much on things by putting this up as it is.
So recap: I had a busy busy month, it's still a busy buys month. I'm sure i'm missing things out.
Zombies: Newest roleplaying campaign, I died twice, once because pete decapitated me for turning zombie like, once because i got crushed and burned under a firetruck. I am now playing a high class lady who's obsessed with horses and a member of the winners circle at many cross country events. Despite the dieing it's pretty fun. The dieing is pretty much because it's a game where it's no fun to play safe.
work: Switched from sunday to friday so i actually have one day off a week. GOD that feels good.
therapy and nano: covered briefly above.
Birthday: Saturday I went out to pizza hut with my friends and it was great fun, I received a nice shiny new notebook and badges from maggie, I received my favourite of my birthday cards from Peter. FIRETRUCK *snickers madly*. Then i went up to mum and dad's house and decided i just couldn't face the tube so i found how to get their by bus. Spent the rest of the evening changing my room there around, it needs some work but it looks more or less like my room now rather than some place i just happen to have slept once. I got up on sunday walked the dog with mum and dad and bought goats cheese at the farmers market. I openned my presents, and then my sister arrived and I found out about my last one. Then we had lunch and cake, played a game of articulate and my dad drove me back. Was a bit annoyed that my mum and sister were complaining alot on the day i didn't want people complaining on my birthday (i suppose my attention seeking tendencies hit PEAK on my birthday, i want it all to be about me.)
Presents: The new meatloaf album "Bat out of hell III: the monster is loose" FANTASTIC. Currently listening to alive, EXCELLENT song.
"I'm a runaway train on a broken track, i'm a ticker on a bomb that you can't turn back,that's right, this time, let the end of the world come tumbling down, i'll be the last man standing on the ground."
A new duvet, an advent calender (i've allready forgotten where i put it to wait for december) and a matress cover. So my bed is comfy warm and no longer has springs jabbing into my ribs.
My sister got me a subscription to the new internationalist. I will now have to read the thing lol, it seemed like a good idea when i talked about it on the phone, I now just hope i have TIME to read it, but yeah there you go.
I also got money, which I immediatly spent on booking tickets for the meatloaf tour next year. I also have a spare ticket so if anyone on my friends ticket likes him and finds wembley a convienient place to get to they can pay me 37.50 plus a share of the booking costs and come with me! Friday may 25th mark it in your calenders.
Right gotta start working on essay.