i guess this is what some ppl think of me

Jan 03, 2005 00:43

BurningSafire: well ur making me really upset with these false accusations
BurningSafire: and this is why i don't talk to many ppl
BurningSafire: cuz they think
BurningSafire: and u think
BurningSafire: u can say whatever u want to me
BurningSafire: even if it offends me or whatever
BurningSafire: well
BurningSafire: im not going to take it
BurningSafire: i shouldnt have to
BurningSafire: and
SMarioLand: plese get all upset about something that i have no way of knowing
SMarioLand: and what?
BurningSafire: im tired of befriending ppl who only use me or whatever
BurningSafire: im not talkin about u
BurningSafire: other ppl
BurningSafire: go ahead
SMarioLand: throw a fit just to prove nothing changed in 2 yrs?
BurningSafire: acucse me of liking 14 year olds
BurningSafire: i don't have friends because ppl just dont understand me
BurningSafire: they think they know me and think they have me all figured out and then think they can use that against me
BurningSafire: to hurt me
SMarioLand: well go ahead if you leave it would be easier on me i planned on to within 5 mins anyhow youll save me the typing of " heads up im taking off in <5 mins or le)
SMarioLand: 1) everything you say is a reflection of your self image 2) no one is "out to get you" and

Auto response from BurningSafire: @ escape

SMarioLand: and you dont have friends cause you say you donr and worse believe it
SMarioLand: you dont have friends cause your selfish
SMarioLand: escape ..new club?
SMarioLand: you sure your 20? you cant even hold an debate you put up away mesasge your still act yougner than lauras physcial age
SMarioLand: sleep well
SMarioLand: i shoulda took off when i said "your not talking :zero tolerance"
BurningSafire: u do the same thing
BurningSafire: im just sayin
BurningSafire: that u have no right to attack me like this
BurningSafire: u want me to hold a debate
BurningSafire: u really do?
BurningSafire: cuz i have a lot to back up the fact that ppl are scum
BurningSafire: if u really want me to go there i will
SMarioLand: cause now you stole an hr of my time and dont even have the desceny to say anything see ...selfish thats you its always "whats do people think about me " "maybe im not funny enough " "maybe they wont like me" thats why you dont have new friends your afraid of what people think about you and selfish because you care what they think you shouldnt
BurningSafire: cuz i don't lie and i don't make up shit
BurningSafire: that makes me selfish?
BurningSafire: selfish?
BurningSafire: is that really the accurate word?
BurningSafire: can u relate to me ? no
BurningSafire: so u can't tell me what and who i am
SMarioLand: sleep well talk to ya i would say later but if your lucky itll be june im going to go wash off all the crap you bestowed upon me
BurningSafire: im so not selfish
BurningSafire: liek what/
BurningSafire: u only have urselt to blame
BurningSafire: and if u leave, then ur as immature as me
SMarioLand is away at 12:35:02 AM.
BurningSafire: which i may not be mature right now but it's because i've held back and tolerated so much that i just choose not to now anymore
Auto response from SMarioLand: @8-)Smiling elsewhere until I return

BurningSafire: and if doing what i want makes me immature, then u need to preach to every single person on the face of this earth
SMarioLand returned at 12:36:49 AM.
SMarioLand: back
SMarioLand: for short time
SMarioLand: lol theres diff from mmatrue which im not and you just admitted to knowing when something is a waste of time
BurningSafire: well i don't want to waste ur time or anyone elses
BurningSafire: so bye
SMarioLand: which this is you saying same thing as 2 yrs ago . im leaving now since your overflowing my computer with illogical untrue crap that you cnvinced yourself to believe "peaople are scum" lmao ..people are percieved as a reflection of ones self ;-) ciao sexi cute belt and smile too bad personality kills it
BurningSafire: bye
SMarioLand: thats very thought ful thank you 8-) see you are a sweetie ttyl
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