SV fan vids rec

Dec 22, 2007 18:54

There are oh so many awesome fanvids of Smallville in the world, though I watched only some. It seems I 'm not a fanvid person, not like fics.

So...This is my favorite one which I watched in my early days of SV fandom.

image Click to view

Brothers by Destiny (Clark/Lex)
A video focusing on the friendship between Clark and Lex and how it will eventually lead to their downfall. Set to Bleed for Me by Saliva.

Also I recommend same vidder's Lex/Lionel vid;
Numb (Lex/Lionel)
A video focusing on the twisted father/son relationship between Lex and Lionel that shows why Lex will ultimately become who he is destined to be. Set to Numb by Linkin Park.

This video made me buy Linkin Park's CDs! Ha.

vid rec, smallville

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