Jan 17, 2010 08:23
Spotting is not new to me. But there's heavy bleeding this time. For the 2 days of light + 3 days of heavy spotting, I'm glad there was work to keep my mind off it. On Friday night though, I tossed and turned in bed, fearing for the worst that could happen. What if it's cancer? What if I have some kind of growth? What if I have to go for surgery? My work, how? Will I still be able to conceive?
So I text Ting and got her gynae's contact. The appointment was made the next day. I was nervous and afraid. The doctor asked a lot of questions, probed everywhere, looked very hard, pressed my belly - nothing was wrong. Then he did the baby scan thing. He squeezed some cold gel and put the scanner on my belly and voila, the image of my womb, bladder, intestines and stool appeared in black and white on the screen. It was just like in the movies.
He made me drink 3 cups of water to inflate my bladder, which will push away my intestines, to get a clearer view of my womb. He measured my womb & ovaries size and he patiently explained what the black and white images on the screen are. I wasn't even pregnant, but I felt like I was. I mean, it's not everyday that you get to have a look inside your womb.
So I was given the all clear. No signs of tumour. I've got normal sized ovaries and womb. No unusual growths. I paid $123 for a peace of mind although I am still bleeding. M was with me throughout. I slept soundly last night.