Nov 02, 2007 19:38
All I ever wanted to be was me. The concept of "Me"....such a concept. Sad that we will never know anyone else in this world, as much as we try. Fortunately, souls stand different from this. I may never be in another's perspective, but being close enough is more than good enough for me. I was always young and inexperienced and I didn't mind that. It meant I had much more to learn but had the potential. Everyday I don't fulfill it I hope the day will let me do so before it fades away. The day it fades and I know so will be a dark day.
Yet, I can't have any regrets. Every breath I draw has been mostly taken for granted. My abilities, squandered. But I know I'm not alone in what I felt, even if I feel so. Even if my castles are but castles of sand, at least they existed. I was neither mercenary...but rather the builder and maybe even the destroyer. Judge me accordingly, but you'll probably see what you fear in me. I know I do when I look at myself. I criticize the "wild" because I was tamed, I guess. I want those chains free. They were for a few seconds, and I soared free. Our realities are what we create and accept.
Don't accept reality. Create your own. Be more than before. I know you will be.
And I existed...and still exist in the fragments of the castle. Every word, I will be there. Me and my friends. Every breath I draw is but on loan, but a piece of me is left in it. I don't care. What I want is to know...and I'll never ever know. But knowing more is knowing enough for me.