Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 26, 2015 21:44

First of all, thank you for signing up to Yuletide and picking one of the four fandoms I requested!

I'm very easy-going with fic. I enjoy hurt/comfort and angst (but with a happy ending). I love character studies and slice of life fic. I don't enjoy rape/rape recovery fics, and am squicked by self-harm - so if you decide to go down a h/c or angst route, I'd rather those elements didn't show up. I am, at heart, a slasher (not JtV), but I would be equally happy to read gen. My strong preference for the fandoms I've requested is for canon-based (ie, no AUs please).

Top Gun is one of my favourite movies, it's so ridiculous and 80s camp. I'd love anything that you wanted to write about these characters, post-cannon would be highly relevant to my interests with Iceman and Maverick feeling out the boundaries of their new relationship. Alternatively, this is one canon where there are a few AUs I would love to see: Top Gun in Space! Steampunk Top Gun with airships/dirigibles! Underwater domed cities with superfast subs Top Gun!

I watched the New Avengers at a very impressionable age and Purdey was my absolute heroine. Coming back to the series as an adult, I really enjoyed the interplay (by which I mean flirting) between the three lead characters and I would love something that focussed on that. I'd also enjoy fics that show a little of their downtime or lives away from the 'office', or that explore elements of Gambit or Purdey's pasts. Or something post-cannon, maybe about Steed getting bored with a happy retirement. OT3 would be very ok with me.

I've really fallen for Jane the Virgin, it hits all of my favourite tropes. I'm very fond of people with atypical families deciding what it will mean for them when they have children themselves. Character studies of Jane and Rafael as they face the birth of their child would make me happy. Or a perspective from Rogelio as he adjusts to being a grandparent. I love all the characters and would really be happy with anything. I'd prefer if the story avoided any agonising over Michael vs Rafael.

Most of all, please don't feel pressured by anything I've written above and just have fun writing. I'm completely aware that my optional details are just that.

Finally, I'm actually going to be away over the period when the fics go up and are revealed, I expecting to have internet access but it may still take me a couple of days to respond properly! Please don't think that I'm ignoring your gift!

Thank you again for signing up for this and offering one of these fandoms.
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