Oct 28, 2010 20:03
So, IDK, this is a super-busy time of year for me. I was all, "just hold on until teaching is over and last weekend is over" and then the weekend was over and teaching finished and I've still got so much to do but my body thinks it is time to get sick now. I've had a cold ever since getting back from Melbourne, and this week it escalated into 'huh, what is this, perhaps a reaction to the chicken pox vaccine*? Or the beginning of chicken pox itself? Wait, no, the doc thinks it's some freak bug and we'll just treat the symptoms with drugs that make me fall asleep WHOOOOO'.
Then in the midst of me staying home and trying to rest and being bored and not marking essays, my flatmate sends an email (classy dude) in which he once again makes his money problems my problems, by offering me a choice between switching rooms and then paying much more than I can afford or the place is worth in rent, or moving out. So I am going to move out. To his credit, he is being flexible about dates etc, but dudes, I hate moving. I know that pretty much no one actually likes it, but as long-time readers know, sharehousing is a mystery almost beyond my understanding. And then I wish I could live alone, but probably can't afford it, and cue depression about how I'll never make it onto the property ladder, and my scholarship pays barely a living wage, and I'll never get a real job anyway, and blah blah blah let me cry onto your t-shirt. Sorry, got a little snot on you there. Here's a tissue.
So it's been fun.
There are some positive points I can think of: This flat sucks. It has all kinds of problems. It's in a dodgy neighbourhood and it will be nice to get out. But the timing! Oh, the timing. If it was any later in the year I would be screwed. I'm travelling way too much over December-February, so I need to move before then. Gah. My annual review is coming up and I'm acutely aware of how little work I have accomplished while teaching, and how much more I need to do, and the summer would be the perfect time to catch up except for 1) family obligations and 2) conference travel. On the plus side, I'm going to New Zealand in February. I KNOW! Commence Kiwi and LOTR jokes now.
The end.
*No, I've never had the chicken pox, to my knowledge. I'm aware that it can sometimes occur asymptomatically. And yes, I was recently exposed to the virus.
share housing sucks,