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1. My favourite colour is blue. It used to be purple, a colour I chose arbitrarily in grade two when every other girl in my class chose pink, and I wanted to be different.
2. I love steak.
3. I need glasses for close work and distance, but I don't wear them all the time because a) I'm vain and b) I don't need them for everyday interactions and conversation, and in fact I dislike looking at someone through my glasses while we're trying to talk. This is becoming a problem during tutorials.
4. I bought Mean Girls on DVD the other week and have watched it and fallen asleep to it nearly every night since.
5. I like wearing big dangly earrings. It's probably a subconscious overreaction to my school's rule about only wearing studs or sleepers. Also, my mother wouldn't let me wear danglies for a few years after I had my ears pierced at age 11.
6. I like cheese. But not as much as I like steak.
7. I've filled some prompts at
sherlockkink. Um, maybe.
8. I believe that sultanas and raisins belong in my belly, as a snack. They do not belong in my cake, biscuit, bread, or curry.
9. My feet are almost flat, as they have minimal arches. It's a genetic trait, as are my strange toes (the middle toe is longer than all the others except for the big toe, and the little toes curl under all the others). I have special needs feet. I hate shoe shopping.
10. I'd never eaten a pear in my life until about a month ago.