Apr 27, 2007 23:13
I'm really proud to be an Indian, which is why the recent "Richard Gere scandal" pains [and embaresses] me greatly.
For those who've wanted to ask, but didn't out of politeness, thank you. I appreciate it.
Be assured that most of India is in outrage on your side, i.e. that this arrest warrant is ridiculous. Judicial experts have been unanimous in denouncing the lower court's arrest warrant. Describing as a "perversion", a "cheap publicity stunt", "taliban-like behavior", and "[making] us look ridiculous".
This brings up an issue that is on my "list of things to do before i die".
Constitutional reform. If you've read anything about the Indian constitution, you'll know it's not very much like the American constitution. The wikipedia article notes: "It is the longest written constitution of any independent nation in the world, containing 395 articles and 12 schedules, as well as numerous amendments, for a total of 117,369 words"
Unfortunately, much of this was inherited from laws in British India circa 1757. Clearly, then, it is no surprise that the 93 amendments passed since the constitution was enacted [in 1950] have failed to satisfy the needs of the 21st century. The social conditions prevelant in the nation in 1757 and 1947 [when India became independent] were not nearly as distinct as between 1947 and 2007. For example, the law supposedly criminalizing homosexuality, was written in 1860 and outlaws "'carnal intercourse against the order of nature". Legal experts state that this law was designed to outlaw beastiality, but has often been used to harass gay rights activists [though no one has ever been prosecuted under this law for homosexuality].
Obviously, this is neither the best time or place to discuss all the issues besieging the current constitution, but there is an urgent need to reform it. Along with this, is also a need to reform Indian society in general with respect to some prevelant beliefs being attributed to "tradition". As I am sure everyone is well aware, the practice of "Sati" was a traditional ritual which [though occuring rarely] was forcibly banned by the British government. Initially, there was strong resistance from Hindus [sati occurance actually went up temporarily], but people ultimately realized that absurdity of the ritual. Many such evils continue to plague Indian society and must be done away with in the interest of human rights.
My hope is that one day I will be able to go back and become the instrument of change that India clearly needs.
ai mere pyaare vatan,
ai mere bichhadee chaman,
tujh pe dil qurban hai,
tujh pe dil qurban hai,
tuu hii merii aarazuu, tuu hii merii aabaruu
tuu hii merii jaan