Originally published at
The Sanction. You can comment here or
I make no bones about the fact I get paid to provide opinions on great sites, ideas, campaigns, etc. I’ve always been upfront about it and as you can see if you look to the right. The right sidebar that is, there is a new badge there. It is a for me to
make money by allowing visitors who visit my piece web pie a chance to advertise on this site by offering me a small incentive. You may ask why you would want to do such a thing?
Well, I’ll explain a few reasons. The Blogosphere is huge, and growing daily. There are literally hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there and each one can equal money. With PPP Direct it cuts out the massive overhead. Where competitors charge 50-100% markup and keep up to half your money, PPP Direct only charges a 10% fee, 5% of which goes to transaction fees for PayPal and credit card processing.
That means that instead of offering a certain amount to a group you can target niche blogs, offer them the opportunity and then increase your target audiences’ centralization. It’s important, you can’t sell ice to an Eskimo but you can to a Jamaican. It’s easy to see why you would want to take up this chance. It’s new, it’s smart, it’s easy and best of all, it is for you.
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