(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 21:36

The two words the bug me the most in the world are what...and if...escpecially if they are together. Worst combination ever...in my humble opinion...Those words inspire regret, hope, heartbreak, thought...and so much more. Fuck the "what if's"...fuck regret...fuck hope...fuck thought...fuck heartbreak...fuck everything that causes pain...

If i'm so "fine" then why do i feel this way? How am i feeling...and why? I cant even read myself...thats not a good sign....and its almost three years to the day she went away. I miss you lisa...

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

2. When is the next time you will have sex?
uh.....maybe the first time?

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"?
ScoreXcore...gah sorry..

4. Favorite planet?

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile?
Anthony....the guitarist i'm doing a side project with

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
The fight song--Manson

7. What shirt are you wearing?
"music is my religion" wife beater

8. Do you "label" yourself?

9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?

10. Bright or Dark Room?

Why are there numbers missing? Why INDEED?

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?

14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?
"did i scare you last night when i was standing outside your house?"

15. Where is your letter box?
i dont have one....

16. What's a word that you say a lot?
Gah....but its not a word

17.Who told you he/she loved you last?
uhh...the ex

18. Last furry thing you touched?
rudy....my dog

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?

21. Favorite age you have been so far?
12...when i was still sane

22. Your worst enemy?
all you damn spiders...

23. What is your current desktop picture?

24. What`s the last thing you said to someone?
"4-1...aw fuck...stupid sens"

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you do?
money....then i could buy a plane and fly...hahahah

26. Do you like someone?

27. The last song you listened to?
machine gun baby--- riddelin can disco

28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet?
that depends...

29. If you could punch one person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be?
my brother....fuckin jerk

30. What is the closest object to your left foot?
Rudy...my dog....


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