Too Much Hate In The World

Apr 11, 2009 15:44

Title: Too Much Hate In The World
Author: Saffinity (Jade)
Pairing: Callica, Callie/Erica
Rating: PG-13. No smut, but mild language.
Summary: There's just too much hate..
Disclaimer: I'm just "borrowing" the characters and setting. I do not own anything except the way in which these are placed on the page. Entertainment only, no profit involved, etc. Promise :)
A/N: Not my usual style in the slightest. Not much description, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. Also - I do not IN ANY WAY claim that this crap is good :)


It’s been days since Addison’s visit. Addison Montgomery, my great friend.. And deluded bitch. That ridiculous suggestion that Erica and I are a couple. The idea is laughable. Me? And a woman.. Ha! I wonder where Mark is..


I hate Mark Sloan. He’s a pathetic creep who clearly has too many issues and clearly feels he can solve them all by jumping every female in the vicinity. Currently, Callie. I hate Mark Sloan.. And while we’re at it, I hate Addison Montgomery. Bloody bigmouth.



It’s been a week since Addison’s visit. I hate that woman. She waltzes in and starts screwing with my life? I’m barely talking to Erica who, in return, is making it extremely difficult to avoid her. I’m gonna call Addison, she needs to be yelled at..


I hate Preston Burke. And I hate the puppies who have slept with Preston fucking Burke. And Montgomery. I hate Addison Montgomery - Callie’s barely looked at me since she came back. I heard all about her little “theory” in the Attendings’ Lounge. Big mouth.



It’s been a month since Addison’s visit. I kissed Erica. I kissed Erica and told her about my “feelings”. She stared at me, mouth flapping around silent responses, before running off to answer a page. I hate Addison Montgomery.. And Erica Hahn..


I hate sick people! Callie kissed me! And told me that I’ve ‘consumed her thoughts for weeks’. And now I’m stuck giving a consultation to a useless resident. I hate sick people.. And residents.



It’s been a day since I kissed Erica. I’ve not seen her all day. A kid kicks me in the face while I reset his patella. I’m covered in blood and I feel a bruise forming under my eye. This is when I spot Erica. I hate hospitals.


I hate kids. Callie’s face isn’t bad now I’ve cleaned it up, but still. I hate supply closets too, but that’s where we are when I kiss one of Callie’s hands and tell her that the day, without her, has been torture.



It’s been a year since Addison’s visit. I’m alright, curled up alone in bed. It’s too quiet and I hug my pillow a little tighter. I close my eyes and can almost imagine blonde hair spilling over the pillow. But it’s not enough..


Another night alone. I get to thinking about Callie again. I wonder if she’s sleeping well. It’s hard not to want her around. She makes everything better, and not seeing her smile everyday is horrible. I hate medical conferences.

femslash, grey's anatomy, callie torres, erica hahn, callica

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