Jan 03, 2008 21:50
Most of you probably already know this, but i think i should put it up here for continuity's sake.
On the 23rd of December, my beloved Norwegian and I walked up a very nearly mountain in Norway at sunset. It was crisply cold, all the water was frozen and the ground had the most interesting texture, mossy, grassy, lumpy and strangely beautiful. There were huge stones the size of cars just nonchalantly scattered between the trees and scrub as we walked up the slope, giving the scene an eerie feel.
We saw a hare, a pure, stark white in the fading sunlight, silently racing away from us in one little magical moment, and we pressed on higher, determined to get to the top. We climbed a fence, a barbed one with no stile or gate, and he put his coat down over it so I wouldn't get hurt or caught. It was like balancing on stepping stones as we walked on, each footing mattered and if you slipped, your foot became swallowed, or you broke some ice of a little stream. At one point, we walked across some low lying bushes and i realised we really WERE walking across them, my feet were not touching the ground! It all added to the surreal feel of the afternoon.
He suggested we stopped next to a wide wedge of stone to sit on and watch the remaining sunset, I said, no! Lets go higher. I wasn't stopping now, not when the top was so close. So we jumped another fence, and we raced to the top as fast as we could. Then there was a huge rocky mound and we climbed it, and even more still. ( he must have been so impatient at that point) and at last! i looked around and saw such beauty around me i couldn't bear to climb any further. All around me there were rolling, mountains, trees, fjords. to the right, steep sided giants shrouded in mist, to the left, lower lying mounds interspersed with more water, silvered in the sunset. In front of us was a steep, rolling hillside and at the bottom was his hometown, a glittering crescent shape along the shoreline. Small islands scattered themselves out towards the other side of the fjord like ink blots, and the sun set a crimson red in the far distance over the picturesque hills.
I wish i could have photographed it. It was perfect. Every single little detail was perfect.
We sat down (on mats - its was COLD) and i was waiting for my well-deserved cup of thermos flask coffee, when he passed me a small gift-wrapped object. I opened it, laughing, knowing, half crying, my heart beating almost irregularly with excitement. A small, beige ring box, and i opened it, not believing it was ACTUALLY happening. Then he jumped off the stone and knelt at my feet, in the mud and the ice, and asked me to marry him.
How could i have refused him? I knew he was 'the one', and I've known for a long time. Besides, I'd actually half joked, fully dreamed about this exact moment happening exactly like this. I think God has a sense of humour sometimes and he just likes to show off with what he can actually give us. He gave me this, a perfect moment of my dreams.
So, We had our coffee, and our christmas cookies. We sat there the short while until it was too cold, and too dark to sit still anymore; then as the full moon shone brightly over the magical landscape he proceeded to DRAG me down the hill. I discovered what a Norwegian footpath is (oh look, a footpath! *points in random direction that has absolutely no difference to the rest of the ground*) and that my boots aren't waterproof if i step on some ice and go up to my knee into water.
Oh man, did he ever drag me. A good job too, because as we reached a road the moonlight faded fast and it was extremely dark. wouldn't like to have done that descent without the moon, i can tell you.
So yes, I did have a good time in Norway. I will remember it for the rest of my life.
you know what? He said he wanted to ask me to marry him the day he told me he was in love with me.
I would have said yes then too.