The Cerulean Dragon 7/?

Jan 05, 2012 13:17

The Cerulean Dragon

 Special thanks to dhamphir for the wonderful graphic!

A/N: Seems the last chapter wasn't as well-received. I hope this one pleases you.

Author's Notes: This is in response to mxrolkr 's wonderful prompt found  HERE.

Author’s Notes: This story is a crossover between Harry Potter  and The Devil Wears Prada . It begins in April of 2014-fifteen years after my story, The Rising Phoenix , which is a HP Minerva/Hermione story…yes, this is a sequel with a kick. This story begins about seven and a half years after the movie version of The Devil Wears Prada . To combine the timelines and make it a bit realistic (in an AU, this-is-really-impossible-but-I’m-gonna-try-it kind of way) Andy has not been friends with Lily for sixteen years by 2006. Nor did she or her family live in Ohio.

Summary: Andy has disappeared, and Miranda has noticed. Directly after hearing that Andy was sighted in London, Miranda is summoned by the Ministry of Magic to use her special expertise to combat a threat against the wizarding and Muggle worlds.

Pairings: HP Minerva/Hermione, DWP Miranda/Andy

Please see the rest of my notes in Part 1

Part 1  Part 2   Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  Part 6


Part 7 at my LJ page

devil wears prada, harry potter

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