Title: Fantasy
Author: Coco (lj user= "appelezmoi_coco">)
Rating: Smut. R? Somewhere in between R and NC-17, I guess.
Disclaimer: I don't own House :'( I don't even own a house!
Spoilers: None - unless you count Three Stories just because Stacy first showed up at the end of it
Warnings: Slash O:) It's pre-slash at the beginning and then it becomes inter-slash.
Summary: Cuddy starts having feelings she can't explain. Feelings about Stacy! She's never thought of any woman like that, but all of a sudden she's overwhelmed by flashes of her and Stacy in intimate situations. How does the tightly wound, mildly sex-starved dean of medicine solve this problem?
Author: Coco (lj user= "appelezmoi_coco">)
Rating: R
Pairing: Stacy/Cuddy
Disclaimer: I own nothing and I make no money off of this. This is just for fun ♥
Spoilers: Understood that the reader has at least basic knowledge of the second season Stacy arc.
Summary: Part 2 of 3. What happens to Cuddy when the fantasy is over and reality sets in. She slept with Stacy. She's falling hard. What're Stacy's reactions to this new reality? And how do the two compare?
Genre: Angst & Romance
There is a third in the writing process ♥ it's a trilogy!