Uhm - Yeah - Busy

Jan 02, 2008 09:58

So, I just sent out a pair of e-mails explaining the ridiculous over-stuffed schedule that I signed up for - and rather than continuing to do that one-by-one - I thought I would make a more global "I am going to socially disintegrate soon" announcement using the Interweb. Starting January 22nd, I will be returning to college to get my Masters in Information Systems. Because I am aiming to finish in 3 years, and I have my squishy Psychology degree for undergrad (meaning I have to take 4 foundation courses in addition to the 10 grad courses), this means that I will have two night classes a week, in addition to associated homework. On top of that, I still have the game I run monthly, the game I play in twice a month, a weekly date night with my lady love, and the regular chores that all of us adults have to stress over. It might be slightly better when I stop commuting daily in DC (look for that sometime in June) - but until then, expect a lot of "I am sorry's" for evites and invitations. Don't worry - it will only be for like 3 years.

I miss y'all already. :-/
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