Isn't Kinda Sad?

Mar 20, 2006 16:44

Isn't strange how much less there is too talk about when things are going great? Like - when things are miserable and crappy, we have like 8 million things to say - this sucks, and that sucks - and man did he ever piss me off - and I am worried about that other thing. But when things are going great, we got nuthin.

I guess it makes sense - when things are going right - ya kinda just want them to keep goin right - and its not like anyone wants to hear this conversation 80 times:

"That thing that was awesome before. Still awesome?"


I mean - drama sells for a reason I guess - though I am glad it is at an all time minimum for me at the moment. Just kooky that it seems like people wanna share when it sucks more then when its bad-ass.

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