my dreads

Nov 24, 2008 20:02

Recently I've been paying more attention to my dreads which needed a lot of maintenance. I started thinking about why I decided to get dreads again even though rusty hated them-
I decided to get them because I figured Its my hair-not his. My journey not his. The longer I have this set of dreads the more Im beginning to like myself more-
I've been open, more outgoing and more happier.
I don't care what people think of my hair-My boss and some co-workers in the deli don't like them but hey, you know what? If you don't like them-don't look at them. simple as that. I don't dare let my managers know because its not an acceptable hair style to the white, middle aged class that shops here at walmart. Hence the bandanna everyday. Not that Im trying to hide them but I would like to keep them and this is a way to sneak around the dress code for me.
I just wish that more people would realize that dreads are not just for black people-the early cavemen had dreads and they weren't all black! Its a natural hairstyle and yes they are clean. I wash my hair twice a week! and I spray lemon juice in them to freshen them up. haha
Anyways all in all-I'm just saying that I don't want to be judge by my hair-Yes Im a hippy but Thats not all I am. Get to know somebody before you judge

*I know this makes no sense, Im going to bed, too tired to type now...ugh*
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