May 24, 2007 13:34
Yea, I don't know. My skin feels reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaal itchy.
I was watching Day of the Dead, and Tom Savini's gore effects in that and Dawn of the Dead, dear god. I have a newfound love for gore, but only when it comes to those sort of movies. I hate that Texas Chainsaw shit, if I wanna watch people really get tortured to death, I'll... I dunno... watch it in real life... for some reason I feel real clinically detached from movies like Texas Chainsaw or the other one, that I cannot remember the name of right now.. the one in the desert with the mutants. None of it really scares me, it just kind of blughs me. I prefer my gore with an edge of ridiculousness thank you very much. Although I like movies like 28 Days Later and whatnot. I guess there's just a subclassification of gore that doesn't entertain me. Hard to really express, I was just sort of thinking about why I can watch Day of the Dead a thousand times but I wouldn't wanna watch anything else, but then again I love Last House on the Left and that movie is the classification of fucked. Was it done first? I dun remember... What am I going about, I dunno.
I wonder if that Nerdcore Rising documentary ever came out. I watched the Scrabble one again the other day with Jane.. Word Wars is the title. Man, I wish I was that good at scrabble..I wanna be a semi-professional scrabble player. Three of the main characters are just amazingly odd. Look the movie up.
Emma and Keith lent us this documentary called Tarnation. It was really sad in a lot of ways, and strange. This guy film the majority of his life and then transformed it into a documentary about the failure of the mental health field and kind of a portrait of this dysfunctional family.. hard to describe. it's disturbing but in a way that one prolly needs to be disturbed. Splatterthought instead of splatterpunk. Oooh buzzword... so lame.
Keeping treal, Blah, ha. whatever.the difference in posts is here.