Mar 22, 2007 08:25
I really can't stand parents that force their children's fund raisers on their co-workers, seriously MAYBE once a year to help them go to summer camp, buy uniforms, go to the zoo or whatever but every 3 months? NO I don't want to buy a 3"x3" square of wrapping paper for $12, no I don't want your frozen cheesecake, No I don't want your overpriced STALE almond roca, sell vodka and maybe I'd listen.
The worst part of it all is.. They come in your office and are like "eeh yea I knowww another fundraiser, could you help out my daughter, pleaseeee?" and they STAND in front of your desk until you've written the check.
Oh and this situation is always pleasant: "Oh so and so in HR downstairs is having a baby we're collecting $$$ to buy her blah blah blah" I'm going to the Rivera Maya this summer, how bout give me money for exposing myself to culture instead of to that girl for having unprotected sex?
You know when you get interviewed for your job they ask you about your personal life interfering with work and everyone allllways says "I leave my personal life at home." Maybe I'm just a selfish, uncaring jerk but I don't care bout your baby, I don't care about your wedding, I don't careeee about your kids school, leave me alone. Of course this does not apply to those I call "friends" at work, I love them <3
PS. my bitch about fundraisers EXCLUDES girlscout cookies, I'll buy your Samoas and thin mints any day