A SUCCESS! I got the job at Panera and dsafjaadsfljdsajklaads I am so happy/relieved. My interview lasted about 10 minutes and then he said the legendary words, "I would love to bring you on board." I was really nervous before but not so much during the interview, it was pretty relaxed and everything.
All I needed to assure him of was that I am willing "to bust my ass" and work (his words, not mine). He said I had a great personality, too!
Orientation is tomorrow at 3. Eeeee!
And to top it all off, I found a killer pair of boots and dress pants that fit me perfectly.
I think an evening of celebration is in order, I'm going to hang with Laura tonight at Starbucks/Moe's. And hours of laughter will ensure.
I've realized that I've been updating this wayyy too much, but whatevs. I need to keep a more detailed account of the daily grind anyway.