Oh god. I have two weeks until I theoretically graduate. Except I was incredibly sick for like a month this semester and got so far behind, and now I'm just freaking out. I really, really need to be done with college. For my own mental health.
I've been productive today, but now I'm taking a break. So what should I do with myself? How about a gif spam of my feelings?
Honestly I feel like this is the point I'm at. Like. Where the fuck did the end of this semester come from and why is it launching me into the fucking ceiling lamp? Fuck.
And then I think about how much I have left in such a short time.
Then it becomes: if I just... hide, then no one will notice what I haven't done, right? Right? Let me just take my coffee and hide forever.
And then I look at myself and the time I was, and I want to totally kick my own ass and make myself be productive.
This kind of productive.
So I can get a piece of paper that declares me a real human being.
But really, all I want to do is play on the internet and be distracted by pictures of kittens.
Like this one.