The finale, resolution, and sunrise.

May 07, 2005 21:15

Hopefully kelly knows we're over by now... she keeps harrassing me and has pushed me further away.
I'm not sure I even want to try to be friends with her now.

After a long day however, my star finished work and came over.

(There is a little time-lapse in this post.. but oh well)

I was involved in another accident... picture this...

I'm in the passing lane, a tractor trailer on the right lane a few feet behind me. We're doing probably 60 mph.

As we start thru the intersection an SUV that was previously sitting starts going thru a red light (and yes, EVERY witness says it was red for her)... the SUV makes the front of it and the driver's door to the rear gets hit by the tractor trailer, gets knocked past my car, across the median, and onto the other side of the road.

All of which I maneuvered the car to where I didn't hit or get hit by anything, even though I was within mere feet of both the tractor trailer and the SUV. God was watching over me at that moment and guided my hand... must of. I felt like I heard nothing, and just acted, saw the tunnel vision I get sometimes and went for it...

If it was day light I might of taken a picture... but when i pulled over there was glass from the SUV ALL OVER MY CAR... just to share with how close I really was to the SUV and tractor trailer.

I blame alot of wrecks on TT's, but after that I may blame more on SUVs... and the people that drive them. While I will probably one day own something like a Lexus Thundercloud as my family vehicle... I will still blame it on retarded people that think "oh let me drive thru a red light at a blind intersection... nothing will happen, really..." The person had to be rushed to the hospital.. hope they're ok, but I hope their license is taken.

Guess I'll check for damage to my car in the morning

Sweet dreams to breathlessness. Sweet dreams to my star. Sweet dreams to you...

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