Bush's thoughts?: Alright, I've won two of the closest elections, and half of America is with me and half is against me. What can I do to gain their respect? [finger snap] I know. I'll try to amend the constitution in a law against equality of people.
Shall we rewirte the pledge of allegiance to say "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation undergod with liberty and justice to all. except gays and arabs," because that makes just as much sense to me.
Also, as Jaanhvi pointed out, "We can't 'kill' a group of cells with no humanly characterisitcs yet that could ruin a woman's life, but we can drop bombs on the homes of innocent people and kill thousands of actually living soldiers and Iraqi citizens."
Fight terrorism with terrorism. I'm fucking genious.
EDIT: This thread is now a debate. PLEASE be civil and respect eachother's opinions, which will inevitably vary heavily. Don't be immature with name calling and such. :]