
Aug 09, 2010 15:30

Hello safans. I've come to harass you about my communal blog project again. CUE BEAUTIFUL BANNER:

is growing up. Since I last bothered you about it, it's gotten a fancy redesign to be easier to navigate (and even prettier to look at), AND you can now comment without an account, AND you can post REVIEWS and STAGEDOOR PICS now. That's a big reason I'm back here again -- it's really lacking in those two categories (as in I'm the only one who has posted any so far :P), and even though I figure most of the productions people here at safans are interested in are closed, if you could relive those experiences by writing reviews or submitting your personal photos (even if you're just copy/pasting a review you wrote in your own LJ or something) it would really help fill out those sections and encourage people seeing newer productions to submit their own. And they're fun to look at/read, which is the point of having them :) Posting should be fun and easy, and if it isn't, please let me know what you find confusing or difficult about it so I can work on making SpringBlog more accessible to everyone who wishes to contribute.

Plus, if I do say so myself, I've been pretty on top of news around the Spring Awakening world and have amassed collections of link-y links and pic-y pics if you're curious about the latest news with, say, the Spring Awakening movie or amateur productions worldwide. Also fun fact, the Edinburgh and Dublin productions of Spring Awakening are following @springblog on Twitter, so maybe you should be too? :) Any major post made at SpringBlog gets automatically tweeted, plus every now and then I'll retweet something interesting or funny I see someone say about the show.
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