Yuletide Letter

Nov 22, 2011 23:51

Dear Yuletide author,

I am so very excited to be participating in Yuletide this year that, really, any story in any of my fandoms would be absolutely awesome. I said basically that in the notes included with my requests, along with some general sense of what I hope for. Those notes were rushed though as I was racing the deadline (and technically on the losing side of it -- the Yuletide gods had mercy, apparently). However, if you've come for some direction, let me try:


George/Shaun FTW . Shaun immune to zombies FTW. Clone!George FTW. Dr. Abbey is beyond FTW and I would love a story dealing with her struggles so much it's not even funny. I'm not so interested in Buffy, Becks, or Alastair. Maggie's pretty awesome, as is Mahir. I really, really love the universe that the author created as much as I do the characters. Her conception of the zombie apocalypse is brilliant. Now that I'm thinking on it I'd even be interested in a story set the summer of 2014 when it all began. As George says, "if you want to be technical, it wasn't even a surprise then."


As mentioned in my notes I am 100% behind Nick/Cassie, both in the platonic and romantic sense. Anything that explores their relationship is a-okay in my book.

I dislike Kira but not for the reason you might think (see above). Mostly I dislike her because in comparison to basically every other character, save Victor who never speaks, she has absolutely no personality. That, if anything, is the crux of how Carver can manipulate her so well. The unfortunate lack of chemistry with Nick is unfortunate but it's really the lack of personality that does it for me. Push had numerous awesome female characters. She was not one of them.

Speaking of awesome female characters, I loved Ming-Na's rendering of Emily Hu. Maggie Siff as sadistic opportunistic Teresa Stowe was also brilliant. Same with Xiao Lu Li's Lollipop Girl.

I also particularly liked Cliff Curtis's Hook Waters and would be perfectly happy with a pre-movie story that further explores the background he told Nick and Cassie in the club.

Push has such vivid supporting characters and fiction that brings any of them to life, especially the ones above, would be welcome. I also really love the plot of Push and Cassie's casual declaration that her mother has probably been planning this since before she was even born (therefore implying she had Cassie for this reason) is such an interesting thing. So, post-movie continuation of the plot would be great. I'm easy with Push.

ETA: I forgot all about mentioning a vid I won through auction. The vidder is awesome and she made an awesome vid that really conceptualizes what I love about the series, which, as I've mentioned, I love to teeny tiny bits. In particular it's about the connection between Nick and Cassie. If you're interested, it's here @ youtube.


I'm all about the boys in this series and their dual roles as victims and actors (in the sense of taking action, not pretending -- though they do quite a bit of that). In a very real way all of these characters are metaphorical phoenix, rising up from their own ashes to become something more, something better. Anything that explores them and their journey would be of interest to me.

I'm also in love with Lowachee's creation with the striivic-na. It's such a vivid culture and so interesting. So anything that explores that would also be of interest to me. Anything not mentioned here is probably not really of interest to me.

Skins (UK)

I'm primarily interested in the first gen of Skins with some interest in the second gen in the sense it expands Effy's story. My favorite Skins characters are Effy & Tony Stonem. I love the Stonem children -- their casual cruelty, their self-destruction, their clear love for each other. They're so fucked up and they know it and it's like a car crash they can't look away from.

But if one is uninterested in writing the Stonems then I also very much enjoyed Cassie Ainsworth, Jal Fazer, and Maxxie Oliver. I really thought they could do more with Jal and a where do you go from here story exploring her post series two would be great. Or a story about Maxxie realizing he was gay, or how he dealt with the whole incident where Tony essentially uses him and tosses him away. Cassie's brilliant and anything exploring her character is welcomed. I do hold a special interest in her and Sid in NYC post-series two just because it sounds fun.

I'm sure there's other awesome things I've forgotten to mention. The basic gist is I love all of these sources to teeny tiny bits so you really can't go wrong.

- Saeva
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