Title: Kick in the Head - BFF
Fandom: Transformers
Characters/pairings: Ironhide, Will Lennox, Wheeljack
Rating: PG
Summary: Even millennia of separation couldn't change how they felt about each other.
Warnings: Snark
Notes: Minor RotF spoilers. Mentions of events in
CherrybombsWatch close during that scene where the humans are running towards the
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(and must go and see RotF again this week. There's so much going on that I keep missing bits)
Seriously ... I had no clue Screamer got that pissed. *snerk*
I need to go in there on my own after work one day with a notepad to take down all the really good quotes. There are so many icon-worthy things in there! Judy is <3!!!!
So's Starscream for that matter.
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