Attack of the Financial Aid Spreadsheets

Mar 29, 2011 16:05

My dearies, I have decided. After spending no less than five point thirty-two hours attempting to project my expenses for my freshman year of college right down to the cent, after trawling Wikipedia and the internet to try and figure out down to the sales-tax how much money I'm likely to be spending on transportation whilst living in/around NYC, after attempting to calculate the best value in a meal plan down to the individual number of dollars spent per meal as compared to the number of meals it can be assumed I will actually consume per week, after trying (and failing) to parse out the exact amounts that the colleges assume you will be spending on shampoo and toothpaste, after looking up at the clock and realizing that I haven't eaten a damn thing all day and subsequently getting miserably sick off of fruit salad--I have decided.

I, my dearies, am destined to be an accountant.

And the rest of my life is going to go like this:

image Click to view

musicals, real life, college

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