
Nov 23, 2010 18:10

Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
Extroverted, Progressive, and Intelligent
8 Cubist, -11 Islamic, 1 Ukiyo-e, -6 Impressionist, -4 Abstract and -16 Renaissance!

Cubism was a 20th century avant-garde movement, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It revolutionized European art and inspired changes in music and literature. The first branch of cubism, known as Analytic Cubism. It was both radical and influential as a short but highly significant art movement between 1908 and 1911 mainly in France. In its second phase, Synthetic Cubism, (using synthetic materials in the art) the movement spread and remained vital until around 1919.

People that chose Cubist paintings as their favorite art form tend to be very individualized people. They are more extroverted and less afraid of speaking their opinions then other people. They tend to be progressive and are very forward thinking. As the cubist painting is like looking into a shattered mirror where you can see different angles of the images, the people that prefer these paintings like looking at all angles of a problem. These people are intelligent and they are the transformers of our generation. They look beyond what is seen into what things could become. They are ready to leave the ideas of the past behind and look at what the future has to offer.Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test at HelloQuizzy

I had a hard time choosing between a lot of pictures; so, being in need of some mindless entertainment, I took the quiz again and basically got the opposite answer. *snort*

Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
Traditional, Vibrant, and Tasteful

-1 Islamic, -4 Impressionist, -5 Ukiyo-e, -6 Cubist, -6 Abstract and -5 Renaissance!

Islamic art is developed from many sources: Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine styles were taken over in early Islamic architecture; the architecture and decorative art of pre-Islamic Persia was of paramount significance; Central Asian styles were brought in with various nomadic incursions; and Chinese influences . Islamic art uses many geometical floral or vegetable designs in a repetitive pattern known as arabesque. It is used to symbolize the transcendent, indivisible and infinite nature of Allah.

People that like Islamic art tend to be more traditional people that appreciate keeping patterns that they learned and experienced from their past. It is not to say that they are not innovative personalities, they just do not like to let go of their roots. They like to put new ideas into details and make certain that they will work before sharing them with others. Failure is not something they like to think about because they are more interested in being successful and appreciated for their intelligence. These people can also be or like elaborate things in their life as long as they are tasteful. They tend to prefer geometric patterns and vibrant colors.

Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test at HelloQuizzy

Been fretting about my choice of major recently. Dangit, I know what I like, I just don't know what career would be suitable for me. 3: Maybe I'll take the ASVAB this year for reasons other than just getting out of school. xD

art, school, meme

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