WB unplugged

Aug 10, 2010 14:03

If you were given the the "right" to decide which people can be eliminated in the world (maybe due to overpopulation), what types of people would you get rid of, in order to "make the world a better place"? Try not to think about the people you personally want to get rid of. :) For example, criminals?

Um, how about no. I like this response: "I think maybe I would first eliminate those who ask questions on LJ about killing someone." WIN.

If you could be invisible, where would you go and what would you do?

I'd probably take way too much advantage of this, but first off I'd use the ability to pull off a really badass senior prank. *taps chin thoughtfully*

Have you ever asked questions when you were a child that would be considered controversial to ask now? If so, what were those questions?

"Mommy, why do the Republicans want to hurt people?"

(My family is so dyed-in-the-wool liberal that they will un-ironically compare George Bush to Hitler. I, uh... yeah.)

What is your biggest pet peeve? If you could send a message to everyone who engages in this pet peeve, what would you say to them?

Loud gum-smacking, perhaps. All I'd say is "That's really obnoxious. Chew quietly or spit it out."

writer's block unplugged

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